Life On the Line

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Hale's P.O.V.

After leaving my house, the crime scene whatever it was at that minute, I went back to the bar to do some research on the murders that recently occurred on campus.

When I arrived at the bar, I found an empty booth and sat down. I didn't have access to the case files so I had to depend on reports on the murders and my memory of finding Lexi's body for information.

The first thing I did was to try link the victims. Straight away I knew that they all had brown hair and blue eyes, like me, and were all students here, like me. I knew Lexi was studying criminology but I wasn't sure about the other victims. I looked them up on Facebook to see what they were studying. I learned that they were also studying criminology, like me. I was starting to get freaked out by the amount of similarities between myself and the victims. I knew that the victims were a surrogate for someone, I just hoped it wasn't me. I was curious as to how many other students fit the victim profile so I used the class lists on the university website and Facebook to find out. Turns out there was only me left who fitted the description, I was the one that the other victims were surrogates for. I'm the reason their dead.

I thought about what person that I knew would be capable of killing other people. The first person who came to mind was Tyler. Tyler was a decent guy but he could be very aggressive at times. When I thought why he would want to kill me I could only think of one thing. The match against the Brown Bears. It was a few months ago, we were leaving his place and heading for the match. It was a very important match as the coach for the New York Giants was coming to watch Tyler play, he was considering Tyler for the team. On the way to the match I started to vomit blood, turns out I had an ulcer which burst. He brought me to the hospital and missed the game. About a month ago Tyler received a letter saying that he is no longer being considered as player because of his lack of dedication (him missing the game). He blamed me and we fought a lot about it, we went on a break, but a week later (after the first murder), we got back together.

I was flabbergasted, my boyfriend was a murderer. I'd been sleeping in his apartment, he could have killed me in my sleep. And since there was no other surrogates I knew soon he would kill me.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by phone ringing, it was Tyler.

"Hello," I said trying to keep my voice as calm as possible.

"Hey, where are you? I woke up and you were gone," he said in his usual voice but it seemed cold now that I knew he was a murderer.

"I'm just at the bar. I needed to clear my head," I replied sounding a bit nervous this time.

"Well why don't you come back to my place and we can talk about what happened?" he suggested.

"Yeah, sounds good," I told him. "I'm on my way".

Derek's P.O.V.

The team and I were in the police station giving our profile.

"The Unsub is a white male in his early twenties and is most likely a student in the university," JJ informed the cops.

"We believe that the Unsub is using the victims as surrogates for someone close to him that he doesn't want to hurt. He's angry at her but is trying to resist hurting her. He's an outgoing person but can be aggressive and has a high temper," Reid continued.

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