Chapter Two: The Ambush

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Just as Mossy began to walk out the door Buck ran directly into her yelling 


Everyone jumped into action. Violet order Shadow, Buck, and Mossy to ran out and attack head-on. While the rest of us swam around the horde and close in on them. I saw Shadow disappear with the other two in tow. Blu grabbed Snipy, who was too young to fight, and hide.  

"Look alive Fidget!" Violet shrieked

I followed the rest and got split up into different groups. I ended up with Jasper and Muttley. The cluster of zombies came into view faster then I would of wished. The first group of zombies we fought was a group of eight. Jasper climbed a tree quickly so he could shot from up high. Muttley with the ax he drought, attack head-on. I also tried to attack head-on with the dagger I drought. I felt jaws clamp down on top of my hand that didn't have the dagger. With my other hand I blindly swung my dagger around trying to hit the zombie. But I never succeeded. The zombie that was chewing my hand got shot with an arrow bulls-eye in the forehead. Then out of nowhere two more zombies bite me, both on each side. I felt the horrific pain flood through my body. It felt like my blood turned to lava. Muttley pulled one of the zombies of me. The zombie turned to him about to bite only to get an ax to the neck. The last zombie I tried to drive my dagger into. Only to miss ten times. Then I heard a whizzing sound fly past my left ear and hit the zombie on my right side.

"Come on! lets find the others!" ordered Jasper

We ran through the woods. weaving around, over, through, and under obstacles. We came across two zombies whom started charging us the second they saw us. Jasper drew an arrow faster then I thought possible and shot the zombie on the left I began to ran at the zombie on the right but Muttley grabbed me.

"I got this one buddy"

Muttley chucked his ax at the zombie's head hitting square on. As we were running I felt this horrible dread about Muttley stopping me. Am I really that useless? 

"Zombie dog!" Jasper screeched 

The zombie dog lounged out from behind a tree. It's eyes were blood red and it's jaw was hanging lose. The dead dog landed on Jasper and drove it's sharpest claw deep into Jasper's chest. I heard a blood turning scream from Jasper. I was frozen. I couldn't move. I saw Muttley spiriting towards our fallen friend. But not a single muscle in my body would move. Muttley swung his ax at the dog and it stuck out of the wicked things back. I heard a growling sound I thought was only possible in my worst nightmares. The dog slowly turned his head towards Muttley, it's jaw was still hanging down to it's chest. 

"Muttley catch!" I shrieked 

My hand moved without thinking. I saw my dagger fly through the air. Then it landed into the hands of Muttley who spun around and used that momentum to drive the rusted dagger deep into the zombie dog's chest. Continuing through the woods we came up to a clearing where we saw Muttley's dog, Harry, fighting two zombies.

"Harry, buddy, i'm coming to help you!" Muttley yelled 

Muttley, in seconds ended up next to his best friend. Harry took on  the zombie to the left while Muttley took on the zombie on the right. Harry jumped into the air and his powerful jaws snapped down onto the zombie's neck. He then turned around to see if Muttley needed any help, which he didn't. We heard a yell for help and Harry bolted off in that direction. We quickly followed. Once we saw a huge group of our people fighting a even huger group of zombies we swiftly jumped into action.  Muttley ran forward and swung his ax hitting the zombie on the head, killing it. While Jasper drew his bow and shot a arrow into the side of one zombie, killing it. The last zombie was up to me to kill. I gripped the dagger I was holding tighter. I charged forward and shot out my hand that was holding the dagger. Just clipping the zombie's arm, not killing it. The zombie lounged and caught my shoulder in it's jaws. I screeched. Jasper drew another arrow, but Shadow came out of nowhere.

"No, let him kill this one" 

Jasper slowly put down his bow. Then the zombie swung it's rotten hand out at me. The zombie's fallen apart finger nails scratched my cheek, drawing blood. Then I ducked and slashed at the zombie's knees, cutting right through it's leg. The zombie fell to the floor, and biting my ankle. I screamed again. After that I drove my dagger through the damn things head. It finally fell limp. I saw the others gather around me. Shadow held out his hand to help me up.

"Come on, lets get you to Blu"

Once we were back, Blu started patching me up. He first put on some save like thing that was probably hand made. Then he took out some bandage wrap and began wrapping it tightly around my arm.  It stung a lot and just looking at my wounds could make anyone squeamish. Snipy climbed up onto my lap, staring into my eyes.

"You don't look so good"

Then she looked down at my wound Blu was currently patching up.

"You have a boo-boo!" She pointed at the wound

"Does it hurt!"

"No, Snipy, I feel fine"

I started stroking her hair which I knew calmed her down. Gadget walked in. He had a few scraps of his own. 

"Man, you got the worst of it" he said

"You don't say"

Blu finished pulling the bandages tightly around my arm. Then patted my back. The guy sure didn't talk a lot. I walked back into the main room with Gadget and Snipy. Buck ran up, hey guys do you want to play a game with Mossy and I? Mossy was right behind Buck looking pretty happy to have some new people to play with. Snipy jumped up and down with excitement. While Buck, Mossy, and Snipy played hide and seek Shadow called me over. 

"You were struggling a lot with the zombie earlier, if you were on your own, you never would have survived that horde"

I looked down in shame.

"And I want strong warriors in this group so we all can survive, which means I will train you if you let me"

"Yes please! I just want whats best for the group!"

"Good, we start now, follow me"

I ran after him until we were outside under trees that formed a circle around us. 

"This place is called the training trees"

I nodded as I looked around. I saw a squirrel run up one of the trees and disappear into the top of the tree. Shadow narrowed his eyes at the squirrel and pulled his bow off from his chest and grabbed an arrow from a quiver that was also secured on his back. He lined the arrow directly at the squirrel and shot. Soon a squirrel with an arrow sticking out of it hit the ground. 

"We will take that home with us" whispered Shadow

"Now your training begins" 

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