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Rose's POV

All night I laid here lachrymose, dreading the 'morrow. I was immobilized the Zodiac taking a larger toll on my life than I had recently expected. The Zodiac fascinates me of course, his father was quite smart of his plans, but his son has everything though out. From the weapons, to the random people, but the notes how did they both pull it off? Why haven't the police pull out any other suspects. How come they aren't protecting my father from the rather of this cruel man?

Questions are the worse, especially when you can't find a way to figure out the answer. Sort of like a Rubik's cube the more assumptions and plots you pull, by twisting and turning to fill one side of the cube with its matching colors. But there's always that red spot ruining the blue pattern.

I already know my mind is going to drift away from this dinner and I'm sure my father knows that too. But why give it to me now? Dishing all this information on your daughter, already knowing that she's in denial, but you still try to push out the ounce of faith that she has for her father's survival.

I sit up from my position on the bed and look at my clock handing on the wall. 12:43 about 5 hours until I am picked up by Stella. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and walk towards the bathroom. My vision is sort of blurry, as I open the shower door. Twisting the knob watching the water pour from the spout. The harsh patters of it hitting the tub reaching my hand out, testing the water to make sure I don't melt or freeze my butt off... literally, pulling the shirt over my head and tossing my undergarments to the side I hop into the shower. Scrubbing the dirt, the sweat and maybe, just maybe I can watch my worries and concerns go down the drain. Running my hands through my hair, lathering it with one of my favorite shampoos coming out the shower, oh so gracefully (not) I wrap myself into my towel and scurry to my room.

The cool air causing goosebumps to spread on my arms and legs, I drop the towel and look through my drawers pulling out a pair of underwear and a bra. Thinking it's too early to start getting dressed for the dinner; I put on a large t-shirt and put on my glasses. The clarity is so much better through these lenses then looking straight from brown eyes. Finishing up my morning routines which consisted of brushing my teeth, combing through my tight curly locks, straightening it then shaving all of this took about two hours, because well what my dad would say is that I move slowly. But in reality I want everything to be precise and punctual.

Once again I have nothing to do; jogging to the fridge I grab an apple and took a bite. Not wanting to eat anything too heavy before I go to dinner. Returning to my bedroom, the one place in the whole apartment I feel more comfortable with the silence. Going over to my bookshelf I just look at the many titles I have, reading, music, and sleeping are the best parts of my life so far. Being single, I haven't been in a relationship since back in high school back in Massachusetts where everything seemed to be so much easier.

The more I think about it, the most homesick I get. Missing my mom and even my friends with the idiotic drama that they all carried, and now I'm here with only one friend, my father and a man trying to ruin my life with no cause. Many books that were sent by my distant mother were very thoughtful. Our relationship wasn't bad, nor was there any rough patches between us, but we couldn't find anything in common. She loved the glam, the fame and beauty; I cherished reading, music and writing. She adored makeup; I'm in love with my big sweaters. She had a passion for wealthy men, I just want someone to care and love me.

But everyone has their differences, and people handle them in a different manner. But my mother and I are stuck in an immature childish game filled with silence and constant glances. No matter what I couldn't stop caring for her, and I know she would die for me also. A loud knock came from downstairs. I trudge down the stairs, the weight of everything is now crushing my shoulders, I try to dismiss the thoughts of everything in general but I just can't.

Zodiac 》Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now