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(A/N:Changed her name to Rose)

"Dad?" I push through the door entering the kitchen. Seeing his lanky body perched against my countertop while impatiently staring at his watch. "What was that Rose?" He looks up at me.

"What are you talking about father?" I rest the machete down and meet his gaze. "This was supposed to be a drill just in case something happens. Grabbing the weapon was an acceptable choice but calling the police would be more quick-witted in my opinion."

He leisurely walks over and grabs the cleaver, "what a beauty" he smiles, watching the blade as the dim light reflects off of it.

"So you rather me call the cops on an intruder which happens to be my one and only father?" I put my hands on my hips; he simply rolls his eyes at my comment and changes the subject. "So what were you doing on this beautiful morning?"

"Before you invaded my home," I mutter to myself. " I was reading" before I give him a chance to reply, I hastily walk out the kitchen and face plant into the comforts of my throw pillows that were now sprawled over the couch.

"What were you reading this time?" He gently pushes my feet, giving him enough room to take a seat.

"Confessions of a murder suspect" I answer, but coming out in, incoherent muffles. I sit up and look up to see the quizzical expression plastered on his face.

Grabbing the remote off the black coffee table I start mindlessly flipping through channels. "It's about thi-"

"This just in another murder has been found of the 27 year old Elise Stewart, her body was found late last night after being brutally attacked by the one and only Zodiac for more information please visit our website and please remember viewer discretion is advised."

My father gulped in fear, he feels as though his time was ticking. Soon The Zodiac would he hot on his trail. That is if he isn't already.

"It's fine the women is probably a good deal away from us" I say trying to calm his panic state, my attempts failing miserably when I realized his fright hasn't seem to seize as his breathing started to eradicate. I hate seeing my father this way, what I can say I'm a daddy's girl. When he's hurt I'm hurt, when he scared I'm absolutely terrified. But in this situation I have no control what so ever and that weakens my hope for somehow backing him out of this situation.

"Yeah I know but I just get nervous." He said but him and I both know that nervous was understatement. His eyes are darting everywhere but the TV or me. The part that worsens the ache in my heart was that this man next to me. A nervous wreck wherever he goes, always underestimated by his selfless acts but others finding it a great opportunity to use this and treat him as a push over. He's still strong fighting through harsh reality, not for him but for me. He's not afraid of dying he would tell me numerous times. He's scared to leave me all by my lonesome.

He's definitely seen better days but he is keeping it up better than I thought he would. Although to can tell he's hiding behind himself and trying to keep himself calm. But when I look into those eyes of his I see a man cowering within himself and I know it breaks his heart because when he stares into my eyes, he sees the same.

"Why don't we change the channel shall we?" I say trying to change it to anything but this before they say something that would disturb him more then he already is. "That would be a swell idea" he sends me a nervous chuckle before running his fingers against his creasing forehead.

I pick up the remote once again, not finding anything interesting on the TV. So I just gave up and left it on some cooking channel. "We have a dinner we must attend tomorrow"

Zodiac 》Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now