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Talking for a while, I told her about my horrible night shift at the restaurant to even spilling a bit of Rose and her caring nature. I have to go now or I'll lose my second job and I actually enjoy this one.

Standing up from my mother’s kitchen chair and receiving a quick peck to the cheek. I was off, down the sidewalk in a haste pace, bumping into a few more friendly people. Not everyone judged me; I was shot a few smiles, waves and even a couple hellos.

The large ancient looking building was right in view, as the two semi large lions guarding the staircase. The environment changed immensely, as I gently opening the wooden door.

The slight sounds of feet hitting the tile floor and the clicking of the new computer installments. Heading over to the main desk where there was a little line patiently waiting for someone to assist them.

I take a seat in the chair, sign in my name and wait for the first person to walk up. I was handed three books from a guy quite younger than me. Perhaps 17 or so and one of his books caught my attention. Zodiac.

"You're interested in the Zodiac I see." I mindfully flipped through pages before sliding in across the board and resting it with the others. "Yes I am have you watched the news about the reports on Zodiac?" He asks while handing me his red library card.

"I've seen quite a few, why you ask?" I gain full interest.

"Well there's a big controversy on him, you know how his 'son' taken his place for his father." He air quotes on the word son, "you don't believe that's his son? *chuckle* there wasn't any sign saying this wasn't true." I clasp my hands together,

"There's no evidence that he is." he fought back; all I do is nod in response hand over his books and the card.

"Harry!" A high pitched voice squeals earning glares from anyone in a three foot radius.

"Hello Allison, you seem mighty happy this fine evening." I smile

"Yes I am indeed Harry, but I know you aren't here to hear me go on about my life. I came to tell you Carol wanted you to host story time again. The children adore you." She gushes flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder, "ok" was all I said, sending an apologetic glance to the seemingly impatient women who was next in line.

Tiptoeing passed workers, students, children and a few couples as I made my way out of the quiet zone into the louder and less tense environment.

"Hello children! Harry is back!" I raise my arms in the air as the children scampered towards me clamping on to my legs. "Hawwy!"



Many greetings were shoved over to me as I bend down to greet their embrace. "Have you guys thought of a book we are going to read today?"

That's when a little girl with two blonde pigtails walked up to me. Holding a book close to her chest I couldn't make out what it says on the cover. "Give him the book L" a little boy harshly whispers to her as she shakily approaches me.

"Your new, my name is Harry, what's yours?" I smile at the little girl. "P-people call me L." She stutters,

"Is that what you want me to call you?" She whispers a yes and hands me the book. "Thank you L, you can sit back down now"

Turning the book over to see on the cover in big white letters, 'Green Eggs and Ham'

Zodiac 》Harry StylesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora