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"May get down from there," I laugh as help May down from the tree

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"May get down from there," I laugh as help May down from the tree.

"Way to kill the fun," May smiles rolling her eyes.

"Thank you, Maxon," My mom laughs walking with my Dad. Her arm wraps around his. Gerad walks beside quietly enjoying the outside.

" It's so much warmer here than home," May says.

" I mean it's always this warm. There really isn't winter here," I point out.

" So, they don't get snow?" She asks in horror.

I shake my head, " Not very often."

" How can they have Christmas without snow?!" May jaws drop. Both my parent laugh at May's reaction. We walk around the garden close to 40 minutes until both my parents both decide to head inside. While heading inside I see Harper outside. Part of me wanted to leave him alone, but I couldn't help but ask 'why is he outside.'

" I'll catch up with you guys later. I'm just going to stay out here for a bit longer."

"Just don't out to long," She mom say and kisses my cheek then heads inside with the rest of my family.

I walk over to where I saw them which was in a secluded area of the garden. As I get closer I hear them talking.

" Well, you'll have to thank Jo. She's covering for me. Plus, she did my hair and makeup," I a girl say. Who sounds a lot like June.

"June, you look beautiful with or without makeup," Harper responds.

"Yeah...no." I hear her respond

"Jun-" I walk behind the blushes, but to my luck, I step on a branch which causes a sound, "Who's there," Harper wraps his arms around June.

"It's just me Maxon," I point my head out, "Sorry, I saw Harper I was curious."

"This can't be happening," June begins freaking out, " I knew this would happen," She begins to tear up.

"June, I'm not going to say anything. I promise," I say trying to help calm her down.

"I just knew it happen though. I always told myself this would happen, yet I still did it," She cries.

"Sweetheart, he said he wouldn't say anything. You know Maxon. He keeps his word. He's a good guy," Harper hugs June and kisses her forehead. He glances at his watch, " June, your shift starts in 10 min. Why don't you just Jo a break, and just work your shift," She nods wiping her tears, " June, and don't worry.  Nothing is going to happen." He leans down looking her in the eyes.

"June, really I won't say anything," I smile hoping she believes me.

"Thank you," I chokes on her tears hugging me, which caught me by surprise. Then walks away, but while walking away I hear her sniffling. Which doesn't Harper look too happy about?

The Photographer (Selection Fanfic) (Finished)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें