My Anna was force to go to sleep. My Anna was awake this whole fucking time. Once again the men had tried to restrain me. Instead I stole one of his gun and pointed at Dr. Grant.

"No please." I watch him beg for his life.

"Mr. Williams put the gun down." One of the offices softly spoke.

He needs to die. I want him to feel the fear he had put Anna through this shit.

"Please Mr. Williams, I'm sorry." His fucking sorry. Give me a fucking break. Him and Megan needs to rot in hell together. For fucks sake he took her away from me.

Lowering my gun, I gently handed it back to the officer, "I will make sure you rot in jail."


"Mr. Williams?"  Dr. Lois voice sounded alarming over the reciever.

"Dr. Lois,"

"It's Anna.  Her heart stopped."

"What!"  I was now leaving the precinct and in a quick pace I had Marcel rush towards the hospital.

I didn't care who was in the way, I had ordered Marcel to be there in 5 minutes.

Thankfully there were no police cars around.

Entering the hospital in a state of frenzy I was stopped by Dr. Lois.  "What the hell happened.  When I left she was fine but now..."

"Right now she is in surgery, we are trying to detox her from the drug."

"Are you telling me Dr. Grant had over dose her."

Dr. Lois nodded her head, "What about our child."

"We are doing everything we can to save both mother and child."

Hearing this my knees had buckled as I collapses on the floor.  My Anna.  My child.  I will end up loosing both of them.

Seeing me, Dr. Grant pulled me up, "You may not have to loose both."

"What do you mean?"

"You may have to choose just in case.  If worse comes to worse we can save either  Anna or your child.  If this progress Anna may as well be brain dead because there are some medicines that can cost you your child but if you choose to save your child then by all means."

I have to choose?  What kind of cruel joke is this.  I can't live without my Anna.  Fuck..

"And if I don't choose?"

"Then you will loose both mother and child."

I wanted to shout, scream turn this place upside down.  What's worse I wanted to go back to the precinct and shove Dr. Grant's balls up his ass and Megan shove her tits down her own mother fucking throat.

"Do what ever you can to save them both please."  I begged.

"We will try but just in case who would you save."

"There is no just in case.  I don't care how save them both."  I was now yelling.

"I understand how you feel but..."

"Dr. Lois I brought you hear because you are the best now either you do your job or I will make sure you get your license revoke."

I know threatening her wasn't such a good idea but all I want is my Anna and my child.

Giving me a look of pity now shock she left, "We will try our best."

Linda and Shiela where now with me as I paced back and forth. 

"Dear, sit you are making me very nervous."  Linda calmly patted the chair next to her.

How can she be so calm.  Here I was about to go bald from raking my hands through my fingers and she's asking me to calm down.

Well at least Shiela was trying to bring my comfort.  She was throwing a tantrum demanding to get some answers.  And that had brought me comfort for some strange reason.

Hours that is what I was now looking at.  Not one single nurse or doctor had came out of that room.

Clapping, the sound of shoes making its way towards us.  "Mr. Williams."  Dr. Lois looks more tired than I was.  Well she must be.

"How are they tell me?"

She looked like she was about to cry.  "I'm sorry we lost..."

"What the fuck.  Do not come out here and tell me you are sorry." I interrupted her while I was now bawling my eyes out.

Linda had wrapped her arms around me and well Shiela looked like she wanted to deck the doctor.

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