Erika: But no you're comfortable

Jake: Erika

Erika: Jake

Jake: Erika please I do anything

Erika: Ok I will get up but you have to let me do something

Jake: ok just this once then we have to work

Yes so I was just going to tease him but for some reason, my brain said to do this so I did and that's when I just kiss him square on the lips he was surprised at first but he kisses back but one minute after being in pure bliss from just kissing him on the lips but, I pulled away and got up from him to go to my desk but, he pulled me back towards him and said

Jake: Do you honestly think I am going to let you leave after that

Erika: No but you can't stop me

Then I started to walk away again but his grip wrap around my waist and pulled me closer and he picks me up and place me on his lap and said

Jake: Now I don't want you to leave

Erika: But we have to work Jake

Jake: Yeah I know, see what you started you little devil you

I smirked gave him a peck on the lips and walked away to my desk and he just sat there and watch me with a big smile on his face and when I sat down he sat down and we both did work.

30 Minutes Later

I was working and I figured out I am on the last thing he assigned me to do and that's his schedule I was putting all the dates and I was confused on one date it said Doctors/Meetings/Paperwork and it only gave me one date and time so this time I have to ask Jake so since Jake makes me so confident just being with him I am comfortable around what I am saying to him so out of the blue I said

Erika: Hey baby I need your help

Jake walked to me with a smirked on his face and all I got to say my heart flutter when he answered to that but my face was bright red when I encounter that situation but unfortunately, my thought process broke up when he said

Jake: What did you call me (smiling)

Erika: (Embarrassed) Oh um nothing

Jake: Why are you embarrassed what did you call me Erika

Erika: Eh ok you got it out of me I called you baby

Jake: (Smirking) Oh ok why did you call me baby

Erika: (Still Embarrassed) O don't know it was on the tip of my tongue

Jake: Do you want to call me that officially

In my mind, I was like yes yes yes a thousand times, yes but I stupidly said

Erika: No it just slipped

Then he got close to my face to where our lips could touch any second but what made me antsy is feeling his warm breath on my face when he said

Jake: Are you sure babe

Then I blushed and that's when I got my confidence back and kiss him senseless until I pulled apart and said

Erika: Maybe or Maybe not baby

That's when he peaks me on the lips and said

Jake: ok what do you need help with babe

Erika: Oh um this it give 3 things the same time but one time is this all the same time where I have to change or work around that time for others

Jake: Oh technically it was all to be in the same place and time but keeps doctors at that time and tell me if you could fix the other ones times

That's when he walked away sat down and did work and I continued with mine.

45 Minutes Later

Finally, Finish so I just sat there on my phone waiting for Jake to finish his calls

Thanks for reading hope you liked it I really appreciate the support this gets and I have more drama / jerika drama in the future but please vote and comment

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