They started to eat and they seemed to enjoy it. I sat and watched than Toothless came up to me and spit out a fish for me to eat.

"Uh no thanks bud. Astrid is cooking."

He gave me a gummy smile than ate the fish again. After the first time he made me eat fish when I still had two legs, I swore to do it never again. It was just gross.

After that I got up and went inside to a great smell. Astrid said

"Can you set the table? It's almost done!"

"Of course babe!"

I set it up and she gave me a smile. I have no clue what for. So I asked

"Why are you smiling?"

"Because I can."

"Uh ok? Is there a reason why?"

"Because I have you."


She filled our Bowles and we started eating. As we finished she asked

"Any plans today?"

"Uh just helping Gobber. You?"

"Oh.. Um nothing really. Just flying..."

"Oh... If you want how about a date tonight?"

"Sure! What time?"

"Uh how about 8?"


At that she seemed happy. As long as she is happy I'm ok.

Astrid's POV.

We were eating breakfast and I asked Hiccup what he's doing today. He said help Gobber. Well that ruined my plans. I wanted a day with him.

Than he asked me on a date! Yes we are married but dates are for everyone. I was glad I get to at least have the evening with him.

He left to go to Gobbers forge and I was at home cleaning the dishes. As I finished up Heather came in.

"Hey Astrid!"

"Uh hey."

"What are you up to?"

"Cleaning. Why are you here?"

"I have news!"

"Oh gods....what did Tuff do?"

"It's not what he did, it's what he's going to do!!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I think Tuff is going to ask me to marry him!!"


"Yeah! He's hinted he has something nice for me. That I can wear!! Something circle!!"

"Oh... Are you sure it's a ring? I mean it is Tuff we are talking about...."

"I'm positive!"

"Ok just don't get upset if it isn't!"


At that she say down and just looked around. I finished the dishes and she asked

"So what are you doing today?"

"Just flying. Later tonight me and Hicc are going on a date!"

"Really? Isn't that for when you two are dating?"

"No! Married couples go on dates too!!"

"Ok, whatever you say!"

After that we went outside and I got on Stormfly. We started flying around and it was nice. I won't be able to fly a lot when my stomach gets bigger.

As I flew around I saw a lot of people at the forge. Mainly a lot of girls....why? So Heather and I flew down to the forge. As I walked up I figured out why.

Hiccup had no top armor on... All the girls saw his abs. I pushed my way through and said

"Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III!! Why are you shirtless!"

"Uh hey babe? I'm kinda hot. What's wrong? I've inly been gone about an hour. It's only 10."

"Put your armor back on!"



I pointed to all the girls. They seemed a bit mad that I was there. They know he is mine. Than he said

"What? The girls? They are waiting for weapons."

"No they are NOT! They are staring at you!"


One girl nodded. I gave her a death glare and she backed up. As did all the other girls. Than I yelled at them


They left and Hiccup just said

"Astrid, you know your they only girl for me! It's ok!"

"It's not ok!"

"Yes it is!"

He hugged me and kissed my lips. Ok maybe it is ok. It's always ok after a kiss with him. I smiled at him and said


I gave him a pouting face and he just looked at me and said

"Oh no pouty face! You get home of go flying. I'm picking you up at 8. So go babe. Bye!"

He kissed me and I walked out. Heather just looked at me and smiled. So I guess I do have my man in check! That's perfect!

As we started walking Tuffnut ran up yelling


She smiled and looked at me. Than she said

"Yes dear?"

"I have something for you!"

"Oh really? What is it?"

He got on his knee... Is he really going to. He took out a box. Oh my gods he is going to...than Heather said

"You shouldn't have!"

"Oh no I had to!"

He opened the box and I laughed so hard. I couldn't help it but OH MY GODS!!! What was in the box was a necklace!! Heather just said

"Oh.. OH it's really sweet of you Tuffnut!"

She kissed him in his cheek and I laughed. After that I left to get ready at home. I only had 9 hours too......

-Authors Note-

Ok comment if you liked, don't if you didn't. Uh for those of you who think I have a anger problem cause I punched my old boss in the face for a broken hand. I don't. I worked for him 2 years and was his right hand man. Than he fired me for not being able to swing my hammer cause of it. So yup. Peace.


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