Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Just enter the contest, for One Direction. Please?" my best friend Kaley begged me. I sighed.

"Fine..." I mumbled and turned around to face the camcorder. One Direction was having a contest for talented singers, if you win; you and a friend get to go on tour with One Direction for a year. A whole year with my idol does seem nice.

"What's your name, and what will you be singing?" Kaley asked in a professional tone, I smiled at her. Giggling slightly.

"My name's Cameron Maddison, and I'll be singing Keep Holding On, by Avril Lavigne." I said and started singing, my voice coming out nicely. Not cracking the slightest like it usually did when I sang. As I ended the song, I did a small bow and giggled when Kaley whistled. I smiled a huge smile as she shut off the camera.

"That was amazing!" she said happily. I smiled, then it hit me.

"There are thousands of other girls, I'm just a face in the crowd to them." I said sadly.

"No. You're the face in the crowd." she said and skipped to upload the video to there sight. I smiled as the contest ended right after we uploaded it.

"That was close." she smiled, the contest ended as soon as the thousandth girl entered.

"Yeah, it was, I guess I was the one thousandth." I mumbled.

"You where." she mumbled.

"Alright, let's forget about this until they choose a winner, then I can cry on your shoulder saying that I didn't win." I giggled. She looked at me, her hazel eyes growing wide, her mouth fell into the shape of an 'O', and she put her hands in her brown hair like she was ripping it out.

"No! You'll win this! How many times do I have to tell you that to get it through your thick skull?" she asked clearly frustrated.

"I don't know, until the day they announce the winner." I murmured. She merely groaned in response.

"Why do you have to be so hard headed?" she asked in a groan.

"Well, I don't know..." I said trailing off.

"Cameron Maddison, you are going to get smacked." she said and I hopped up as she chased me around the room.

"Girls! Dinners done!" my mother called and we went to eat.

"When do they announce the winner?" I asked as we walked down the narrow hall.

"The fifteenth, and today is the tenth." she said in a happy voice, "So in a little less than a week, on channel ten. They'll also show the winners performance!"

I Want Moments With You (One Direction Fan Fiction Completed) *EDITED*Where stories live. Discover now