July 2014: "Straight from the Sky" ~HolographicRose

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This month, July 2014, the Pokemon fanfic of the month is....

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon; The Chronicles of Rose, "Straight from the Sky" by HolographicRose

The story takes place, as the title says, in the Mystery Dungeon Universe and is a well-written, fun spin on the Red/Blue Rescue Team games, but with a unique storyline. The plot may be lighthearted and funny, but the characters are so real and relatable, making the story even more immersive.

As for the actual story line, Rose, a human turned Treecko, wakes up in a world where Pokemon can talk. She immediately meets Zach, a Mudkip eager to make his own Rescue Team, and the two form Team Pastel Skies. The duo sets out to help Pokemon in need, getting their chance to do so early on. But things are off-balance in the Pokemon world. With Mystery Dungeons popping up all over the place, mysterious Pokemon, and other disturbances, Rose thinks she may be the cause... Secrets are revealed, legendaries come out of hiding, and Team Pastel Skies realizes they're in for more than they bargained for.

Of course, there's so much more to the book, but that's all I could squeeze in. If you want to find out more about this amazing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfic, go on, read it!

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