Rachel turned to me with a bemused expression, her eyebrows raised and lips pressed together.

"What?" I laughed, watching her cover up her face before anyone else noticed.

"Nothing, she's just very... excited."

When I turned around, the guys had already been pushed into hair and makeup by the short woman, leaving me, Pete and Rachel in front of a set. Someone's extremely tidy living room, with a brown couch and large sculptures at each corner. There was a clear door leading to a fake garden.

"I like it in here," I said, cutting the silence. Of course, it wasn't actually silent. We had directors talking, producers chatting, actors learning lines and machines running.

Pete nodded, admiring the displays.

10 minutes later, the guys appeared. Like watching grey turn to pure white, the guys had been cleaned and smartened up in a way I never thought possible. Q's hair was slicked back, with no hair out of place. Sal was dressed in a black and white suit, Joe was dressed in a shirt. However, the designers felt it necessary to cover up Murr's 'bald'. He was now wearing a brown wig, cut around his head to resemble real hair. But we all knew it was fake.

"Oh my god," Sal yelled, pointing at Murr, he jumped up and down a few times before snapping photos. "I'm posting these."

The short woman came over to us again, "right, you've been given your scripts? Good. Now you, on the left."

"Sal," Sal said, smiling.

"Yes, you'll be our tall, dark and handsome man." Sal stepped back after receiving the compliment but regained stature and turned to me and winked.

"You." The small woman pointed to Murr, "will be the wingman."

Q and Joe were just told to come across as over dramatic- which is no problem for Joe.

"Guys!" Joe announced, unbuttoning the last few buttons on his shirt, "I'm going in for the doughnut stand."

Joe sloppily made his way to the masses of doughnuts piled up.

But hang on, if the guys were just about to film, Joes clothes had to be lying around somewhere. And his phone would be with them.

"Rachel? I need to go... to the bathroom." I hurried off, following the direction the guys first headed.

There was a long passageway to my right, which had thousands of doors on each side. There was exposed brick and metal doors, which reminded me of the dressing rooms from one of their shows. There were two makeup professionals hanging around outside one double door.

"Excuse me? I work for TruTV, I need to find Joe Gatto's clothes." One of the women pointed to the door across from us, I invisibly apologised for my lie and begun searching for the phone.

What was Joe wearing today? He hasn't introduced his lavender glow of love in a while, it wasn't a shirt... found it! A blue top. And his jeans? How could I be sure they were his. There were two jeans right beside each other.

First pocket: empty.

Second pocket: empty.

Next pair:

First pocket: empty

Second pocket: empty.

Huh. I had almost given up hope when I realised there were back pockets.

Aha! A brand new, shiny iPhone slid its way into my hand. The lock screen was four adorable dogs. Definitely Joe.

And even better: no passcode needed!

I clicked on photos and began searching. Scrolling, scrolling.

I knew it when I saw it. A 30 second video, a darkening tour bus in the evening. You could see two people stretched out on the couch without even clicking the video.

I needed to do this.

I clicked on it.

I spent 30 seconds of my life watching it. But then I rewatched it. And rewatched it again.

I couldn't believe my eyes.



I finally updated! It's been a while! You guys still enjoying it?
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Life with the jokers: on tourWhere stories live. Discover now