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*says in sarcastic voice* yay can't wait to go to school today. WHO AM I KIDDING I AM SCREWED. I won't even be able to go near Gold today and I won't know what to do today! Oh my gosh I am such an idiot. 


I take a look around and Gold and Kyran are no where to be seen. *Phew* What a relief I didn't want to see them today. I turn around to see Evan, Alec and Funneh. 

Alec- Hey Jake! I'm Alec, whats up. This is Evan and Funneh

Evan - Sup

Funneh - Hi! 

Jake - Hey guys! Did you guys see Gold anywhere? 

Funneh - Yeah earlier today at the cafeteria, she was with Kyran.  

Alec - Is it just me or is Kyran acting odd today? Like he's upset about something. 

Evan - *mumbles* him and me both

Funneh - What? 

Evan - I was just saying that he is acting weird

Jake -   Oh well, I guess I'll see you guys later! I'm going to look for Gold.

Funneh - Alright see ya! 


I heard yelling outside in the field and I decided to go take a look and see what was happening. It was Evan and Alec. 

Evan - Alec it's not fair! You can't just claim her as yours! 

Alec - Evan you made your decision. You let Funneh go. That's not my fault. 

Evan - Now I want her back! Funneh will be happier with me! 

Alec - Clearly not! She is really happy with me and I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend tomorrow! 


Alec - I'm sorry Evan. I made my decision. I care about her too much and I can make her happy and laugh. She is mine. 

Geez. I feel really bad for Evan. WAIT this gives me an idea. This situation is like how I like Gold but Kyran is in my way. I HAVE A PLAN. 

Jake - *whispering* Evan! Come over here! 

Evan - *sigh* oh you heard all of that? Well now you know that Alec and I both like Funneh and apparently Alec is better for her. 

Jake - Look Evan. I don't know your situation that well but I have a plan that can maybe help us both out. 

Evan - I'm listening. 

Jake - So don't tell anyone but I sent Gold a message yesterday confessing my feelings to her. 

Evan - WAIT YOU LIKE GOLD?! Bro you know Kyran is her boyfriend.

Jake - Ya and that's the problem. Kyran was the one who saw the message, Gold didn't see it only Kyran did and now he is after me. 

Evan - Damn that sucks dude.

Jake - Ya I know, I've been trying to talk to Gold but Kyran isn't letting go of her. So my plan is to get Gold mad at Kyran and hopefully break them up. 

Evan - How in the world does that help me?

Jake - We can make Funneh get mad at Alec about something and hopefully end it. 

Evan - Okay, good plan but how would we do that?

Jake - We can get Funneh to get mad by maybe making it seem as if Alec is late or something to a date. 

Evan - Yeah! That's a good idea. We can break his car! But I have an idea for Kyran and Gold. So before, Kyran cheated on Gold with a girl named Megan and Gold got really upset at him and then got back together. 

Jake - That jerk! How could he cheat on such a good person. 

Evan - We can make it seem as if Kyran is still cheating on Gold with Megan. We can put messages in Kyran's phone and take screenshots and show it to Gold. 

Jake - Perfect. Let's do this.

Author note: 

SO sorry that this chapter is really short but I thought that it would be better to leave you guys on this so I can write another chapter on what actually happens! Will it be a success or failure? 

Words: 696

Fight for her ( Funneh X Alec X Evan)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ