Can I Love You..? Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

         His laugh haunts me until this day, my crying was not being cared off,

My pleadings ignored and My Love Shattered. His looked at my face full of lust

and ripped off my dress. I screamed and he shoved his mouth into mine.

''AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!'' I sat bolt upright on my bed and took in my surroundings,

pink and purple wallpaper, a desk infront of me with my MacBook ontop of it. I'm in

my room, it's just a nightmare, I beathed in and out calmly and wiped the sweat off

my forehead. I glanced at my alarm clock. ''6:30'' I said to myself and got out

of bed. I opened the curtains, letting the sun shine in my room. I walked into the

bathrrom and switched on the hot water.

      I put on my school uniform, a red and brown skirt, a white blouse inside , a red tie and a

red blazer. I did look hot even in my school uniform. My hair was pulled to the side and

was curl naturally. I put on my black mary janes and took my bag. I switched

off the light and went out the door. ''Good Morning, Ciana'' I smiled at my maid

My mom and dad are both always busy and out somewhere so we aren't that close.

Sometimes, I think I only see them on holiday and when there's a funeral.

     ''Good Morning, Miss Aryana'' She said, she has a slight Phllipines accent.

I smirked at her, ''What did I say, Ciana?'' I asked. She laughed and shook her head.

''Sorry, miss ar- I mean, Arya'' She said. I laughed and ate her world's famous

chocalate chip pancakes and washed it down with a glass of orange juice.

I went in the car and my driver, Mr James smiled at me and drove to my school.

I waved at Mr Jameson and thanked him as we ariived at the school gates.

     ''Arya!!'' I turned and saw my bestfriend, Haley Chase running to me. Haley

has brown curls and carame, coloured brown eyes. Her curls were now in a ponytail.

She hugged me suddenly and made me stumbled backwards. ''Whoah!! I grabbed

hold of both of her shoulders. ''Hales.. Breathe'' I instructed and she laughed.

''OhMyGod!!ThankyousoverymuchIcannotbelieveheaskedmeout!!' I laughed. It's a good

thing I understand my talkative and over preppy bestfriend here. ''Congrats.. You

said yes right?' I asked as we walked in the school, arms linked together.

     ''Well Duhh!! You've know that I had a crush on him since he kissed me under

the basketball net'' She sighed and kept on her dreamy face. Unlike me, she beleives

in all this love at first sight and destiny and fate, I don't obviously. ''Hey There! Did you

guys hear about him'' Our other bestfriend, Allison Gates or Ally suddenlky linked

arms with mine, ''Him?'' Me and Haley asked her, confused. She laughed.

''Ya know, the  new guy'' Ally said. We stopped dead in our tracks when a guy we never

seen before suddenly came smiling at me.

     ''OhMyGod! That's Derek!'' Haley exclaimed. Yup, Derek, Haley's crush was walking with

the new guy and Derek's bestfriend, Jake. ''Hey Girls'' Derek smired at us and

winked at Haley. She almost fainted but me and Allly mangaed to hold on to her.

''Hey'' We mumbled and smiled. ''Drew, these are Haley, Arya and Ally'' Derek introduced.

''Hey, I'm Drew'' Drew smiled but it was kinda directed to me. He is pretty hot with

dirty blonde hair, spiked up in the right places, his cool blue eyes smiling at me

and I could see some muscle under his plain black t-shirt which was covered with a

 black jacket

        ''Arya, you have English right? Same as Drew'' Derek said and I looked at him and raised

my eyebrows. Is he trying to set me up with his new bestfriend here? ''Uh-huh.. C'mon

Drew, before Mr.Greene gets an heart attack'' I smiled at him and her laughed

as we made our way to class. ''So, where are you from? You don't have an English Accent''

He said. I laughed at him straight-forwardness. ''No, I don't. I'm from California, how about

you?'' I asked. ''Me too. I transfeered here because my dad had this new promotion''

He said. ''Okay, We're here!'' I smiled at opened the door to the clasroom.

    It was a big classroom with ari-conditoning, glass tables at the side to put your bags,

 and a view of the park ourside. ''Whoah'' Drew said, entering the calssroom. ''Yeah,

that was my first impression too when I first got here'' I said. I put

my bag on the glass tables and took out my notebook and pen and made my way to the

backseat. ''Okay, Good Morning Everyone'' Mr Greene strode in in his black pants,

a white t-shirt and black blazer rolled up to his elbows.

       We mumbled good mornings and he laid his eyes on Drew who was sitting right

infront of me. ''Ahh... I see we have a new student, Please stand up and introduce

yourself'' Mr Greene said. Drew turned to smile at me and stood up so everyone

could see this cute guy right inront of me, Arya! Don't make that mistake ever again..

            Hey!! :) please comment, review and fan please.. and please vote for thid story, I

know I suck at it but please.. :)

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