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Star date 4890.6 captains log, today my crew and I will be doing some training with the U.S.S Warvig to prepare our crews to prepare for the upcoming battle with the Romulans the Klingons have agreed to help us battle the Borg so they will be joining the training as well. Right now we are configuring our cloaking device since the treaty is off we can use it. The technology is marvellous and it will help the federation survive. Woah the training is about to begin....

"Have they seen us yet Alexander ( tactical )"

No sir there is no way to track the cloak

Good, sneak us right behind the Klingon battle cruiser and arm transphasic and quantum torpedoes and antiproton and phaser banks, delcloak and fire when ready.....

sir they would've been destroyed


Sir we're picking up transwarp signatures it's the Borg!!!!!

Signal the ships and take off training safety. Get armed and ready, go into cloak now!!!!

Sir they have 5 tactical cubes and a ship we've never seen before it's looks like this <=====X===== it looks like an invasion fleet. signal the Klingon high council and starfleet we need back up stay in cloak until they arrrive.......

5 hours later

Sir here is the fleet, decloak and fire all weapons when ready go for the big thing lets call it the Unimatrix 1000 but besides that destroy it. Sir it's launching probes and cubes destroy them all go for the power core and get me the chief medical officer Dr Barclay.

Can we use nanites to disable them

Yes we have been working in it

Put them in a transphasic torpedo and let me know when you're ready

Sir they torpedo is ready

Fire the torpedo

Sir all the cubes just blew up they must've been somehow connected to it well count this as a victory and ready the fleet

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2014 ⏰

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