1; pilot

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Sara huffed  slightly, entering the bar. She made her way towards the counter, catching the attention of the bartender, Rick. The place was empty considering the fact that it was a Tuesday morning.

"Hey Rick" She said eyeing the man who was drying some glasses. " Get me something strong".

" Is it that day?" Rick asked her, raising an eyebrow while pouring god knows what into a glass. She simply nodded downing the glass slamming it on the counter.

Some shit English song was running. She crinkled her nose at the music, cringing slightly.

"Play my playlist" she said roughly, staring at the counter. The place was soon filled by peppy A.R Rahman song.

" You alright?" Rick asked throwing a sympathetic look at her. She hated it.

Sara shrugged. " How well could you be on a death anniversary?" She asked half serious half sarcastically.

" Well , I'd say on a scale on one to ten . One is feeling hit by a bus while ten is feeling like being bit by bus." He joked, darkly.

Sara cracked a smile. " Well. I'd say feeling hit by a bus." Through the conversation and the loud music she failed to hear the door open.

"Sara Kapoor?" A feminine voice broke through the music. Sara turned to her side to see a rather attractive man with short brown hair, an aura of purpose always seemed to follow him  and a woman with beautiful black hair who seemed a hundred percent done with the man. Sara raised her eyebrows at them.

" We're here about the, The Dagger murder case" The man said, his British accent like knife. Her expression turned slightly grave, not taking eyes of them she simply raised her causing the music to come down significantly.


" Can I ask why you're here? " she asked once they'd settled down in her office .

" We have reason to believe The Dagger has started to kill again." Joan Watson said testily not wanting to hurt her feelings, but Sara's face was impassive.

"Oh." She said simply. Joan looked surprised at her lack of emotions.

" I'm guessing you want to know my backstory" She said. Joan simply nodded . Taking a deep breath, Sara began her story.

" 5 years ago I was a detective at the NYPD. A pretty famous one. I had the most solve rate than anybody. One day a homicide was reported. Stabbed with a dagger , guts spilled out and stabbed 16 times even after the victim died. We couldn't solve the murder. Everytime we came close they managed to kill our suspect. 3 murders happened in the course of a month with the same M.O . One day I come to my mother's house for a weekend dinner, just to find her and my sister dead with the same way." Sara's face was down the whole time, she hated new people seeing her vulnerably.
"We had good suspect Darren Wilkins, turns out he had an uncanny resemblance to my then boyfriend. We tracked him down but ended up at dead end. I took early retirement and then took up this bar. " She finished looking up finally. Sherlock looked at her eyes and saw nothing just emptiness. It made reminded of himself in a way.

" You deduce." Sherlock stated. Sara looked up confused she expected him to say something meaningless like 'I'm sorry for your loss'.

"Excuse me?" She asked. "The way you look at things , attention to detail. You deduce." He said surprised, for he had not seen anybody like him in a long time.

"Yeah." She said feeling a bit happy in seeing somebody like her. " Why are you here exactly?" She asked curiously.

Joan looked at Sherlock, who nodded encouragingly. "Well we were wondering if you'd want to join us in the investigation.
Sara almost has the urge to laugh. She shook her head.

She smiled and took a deep breath, pushing her dark tresses out of the way and looked at the ambitious woman in front of her.

" You used to be a surgeon right.? Your hands give it away" She said pointing towards her hands. Joan nodded slowly. A pregnant pause fell across the room.

"And then you were a sober companion and then a detective. So you must know how hard job transition is. It's been five years I'm probably out of touch." She said.

Sherlock, now had the urge to laugh. Looking at her he asked, " Just tell me, how did you know she was a sober companion?" He asked pretty confident about the answer he'd get.  Sara looked a him, knowing where he'd go with this. It was like he saw right through her. Blinking, she said.

" Well, you are former drug addict again your hands give it away, not entirely shaky but just enough. You guys aren't cops. So partners are ruled out. You can't be romantic partners either. The way you sit next to each other just the right amount of space. So former drug addict, a person with EQ levels higher than his , so I put two and two together" She said.

Joan looked absolutely baffled while Sherlock just looked smug.

" And you say you're out of touch " He said with a small smirk. Sara smiled shaking her head looking down.

" Listen, I want to help you guys but I'm afraid I'll do something stupid emotionally and ruin the investigation, I'm sorry." She said to the pair.

" Of course, we understand" Joan said standing up. " Call us if you think of something" she said smiling at her Sara gave her a small smile back. She went out the door. Sherlock following her, before he turned to face Sara. She looked at him, lost in his brown eyes. She couldn't describe the look he was giving her. His eyes pierced through her and opened his mouth to say something

" I know you've given up  and that might seem fair to you, but it isn't fare to your mother, sister or any other if his victim. You have to take a decision instead running away from it. Sink or swim there's no inbetween".

Wooh! That was intense. I'll be updating a cast chapter and intro kind of thing soon enough.!!!

1014 words.


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