Chapter 31: Don't Let Me Go

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Harry, Ron, and Hermione went to the same corridor they were in the night before. The same things happened before, Harry, Ron, and Hermione jumped out earlier then before. "Harry?!?!" Dean yelled out. "Avada Kedarva!!!" Harry screamed. Dean fell to the ground dead. "Ginny!!!" Harry yelled. They untied her, Harry was holding her tight. "Harry!!" Ginny said. He kissed her. "Don't let me go babe." Harry said. "We'll go home, bye Harry." Hermione said. "Thanks guys for helping me." Harry said winking. They apparated home. Harry brought Ginny to the beach house in Florida. "Are you ok?" Harry asked. "I'm a little shaken up." Ginny said. "I'll make you feel loads better." Harry said. Harry lead Ginny upstairs to their bedroom and made love all night. Ginny calmed down by Harry's love, he was happy that she was back to normal. All was well

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