Chapter 25: Wedding Talks

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The next few days, Harry and Ginny and the Weasleys were talking all about the wedding. Harry and Ginny were so excited to be married to each other in the next few months. There were still a lot of preparations before the big day. The best man would be Ron, And Hermione would be maid of honor. Everybody was excited. The wedding would be at Hogwarts, to Mrs Weasleys' dismay. It was Harry's first home, he felt like his wedding should be there. The reception would be at The burrow. The wedding was in 2 months, Harry and Ginny couldn't of been happier. Ginny found the perfect wedding dress and ring, Harry found a diamond ring with a "G" initial on it. This was what Harry fighted for, Ginny, his true love. The Groomsmen: Neville, Seamus, Draco, Blaise, and Ron as the best man. The Brideswomen: Luna, Katie Bell, Pansy, Angelina, and Hermione as the Maid of Honor. The wedding would take place in June, two months from now. Everybody was preparing for the wedding, but most importantly Harry and Ginny were safe and almost married, nothing could compare to the feeling that Harry and Ginny's love was everlasting.

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