Chapter 27: Wedding Day

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It was the wedding day for Harry and Ginny. They were both ready.

With Harry and the men,
"Harry wake up!!!" Ron yelled. "I'm up Ron." Harry woke up. "Come on mate, you need to get ready we have to leave in 2 hours." Seamus said. "I'm eating breakfast." Harry got up and ate breakfast with his mates. Then he got dressed. "How do I look?" Harry asked his groom men's. "Brillant." They smirked, they were dressed and apparated to Hogwarts.

With Ginny and the women,

"Ginny WAKE UP!?!" Hermione yelled. "I'll eat breakfast." Ginny woke up. "Eat really fast, we have to leave in 2 hours!!!" Hermione said. "Ok." Ginny ate breakfast fast. "Ok, Hermione please do my hair, Pansy do my makeup, Katie and Luna help with my dress, and Angelina get the ring and my dress." Ginny exclaimed nervously. "Got it." They exclaimed. "Don't be nervous Ginny, you love Harry." Hermione said. "I know. Thank you guys for helping me." Ginny said. Then Ginny got dressed in the prettiest dress, it was white, strapless, and had a white veil. "How do I look guys?" Ginny asked. "Stunning." They laughed. They apparated together to Hogwarts.

At Hogwarts,

"Ready mate?" Ron asked. "Yes." Harry smilied. They were at the altar in the Great Hall. Professor McGonagall was the minster. Seamus walked down the aisle with Katie, Blaise walked down with Pansy, Draco walked down with Angelina, Neville walked down with Luna, then Hermione walked down the aisle alone. Everybody stood up, the doors opened and Ginny walked down the aisle with Mr Weasley. Ginny got to the aisle, Mr Weasley said "Take care of my little girl." He said. "Always sir." Harry said. They shook hands, Mr Weasley stood by Mrs Weasley in pew. Harry and Ginny took hands and stood in front of McGonagall, the men were by Harry standing up and the women were standing by Ginny. "We're here today to celebrate the marriage of Harry James Potter and Ginerva Molly Weasley, now they have wrote their own vows, Harry." "She said. "Ginny, when I first saw you at King's Cross Station, I thought she's the prettiest girl in the world, then in your first year at Hogwarts, I saved you in the Chamber of Secrets, when I thought you were dead, my heart stopped. But, Ron and I saved you. In the my 6th year, I liked you a lot but you were already taken, I never lost hope that we would be together. When we were gone on our mission, I looked at the Map, to make sure you were safe, I always remembered your beautiful lips on mine. Ginny, you never knew this but, you were the person I lived and fought for in the war. I love you so much and can't wait to get married soon." Harry smiled. "Ginny your vows." She said. "Harry, I love you so much too, I've loved you since I first saw you. I hoped you liked me back, but in your 5th year you were taken, but I could tell you liked me. In the war, I thought you were dead, I hopelessly ran towards you I wanted to hug you so badly. When you defeated Voldemort, I was so happy because you and I could have a future, and were about too now but, Harry, I would want to see you so badly I would look at a picture of us and the feel of you're safe warm arms around me. I love you so much Harry James Potter, let's have a life together, peacefully." Ginny said smiling. "The rings please put them on each other's fingers." McGonagall said. They put them on each other's fingers and looked at each other happily. "I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Minister said. Harry kissed Ginny with so much passion, the crowd cheered loudly and clapped. With that, they walked out of the Great Hall, and apparated to the Burrow. They got changed. They had a few minutes of time to there selfs before people started to arrive. "I can't believe were married babe." Ginny said excited. "Me either, let's have a great night with our family and friends before our honeymoon." Harry exclaimed. "Where are we going?" Ginny asked happily. "Florida. I have a beach house it's huge, we're going for the rest of the summer babe." Harry said. "Awesome." Ginny said. They kissed passionately and guests started to arrive. Then they saw a giant guy walk in. "Congrats Harr'y and Ginn'y!!" Hagrid yelled. "Thanks Hagrid." They exclaimed and they hugged him. "Congrats guys." Ron and Hermione and The Weasleys exclaimed. They hugged. The party had started. There was dancing, singing, partying, and loads of fun. It was 11:45 pm that night and everybody left and Harry and Ginny were about to leave. "Goodbye guys see you in a month." The Weasleys and Hermione said. They hugged everybody and said goodbye. "Ready?" Harry asked. "Yea let's have fun babe." Ginny said. They apparated to the beach house, "This will be the best summer ever." Ginny said. "I know." Harry laughed. They kissed and went inside and made love as newlyweds.

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