Chapter Fifteen

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            The funeral wasn't really a funeral at all. At seven PM, we all went to the cafes and held a memorial service, and then two of the men carried the body up to the world above us to bury it. All I can really remember from that night is insistently wearing white rather than black. When I got home, I immediately went to my room and fell asleep. Nuno came in my room and woke me two hours later. "We've got to go to the briefing, Cassie." I nodded and got up. I changed into the outfit I had worn the last time I went above ground, as the tailors had mended it. When I was ready, I made my way down to the offices with Nuno.
            "Now this mission is a very important one that we have been planning for a long while. The idea is to sneak a group to the private airport just down the way and fly them off to our base right near the Capitol Building. Once there, the job is to sneak inside and practically take over. We've got to get passed the guards, to the rooms where the presidential family will be. Once there, we take them and get them back to the base. If all goes well, we should be able to get them to give up their non-constitutional power and possibly revert America back to the way it once was, with time. There is four pieces to this mission. Number one: Getting you there. We have to sneak you out at dark and get you to an airplane. The pilot has been paid off so hopefully we'll get there safely. Number two: Getting inside of the building itself, getting the family, and getting back to the base. There's a ball scheduled for the night of our arrival, so we should be able to dress everyone going in up, give them an invitation, and get them inside. Once inside you'll have to be extremely stealthy and cautious. Do not get caught whatsoever. Number three: Getting the family to give up their power. It definitely won't be easy, but I can get it done. Number four: Getting home. As I said earlier, the pilot has been paid off. No one said this mission was going to be easy, and it most certainly will not be. It has to be done by someone, and this group is the chosen group to do it.
            "Here's the groups. Everyone ready? Yeah, me either. Simon and Sammy will be on team Alpha, going into the ball to get the family. Their dates will be Cassie and Bella respectively. On team Beta will be myself, along with Vieanna, Diana, and Lisa. Team Beta will be the one's who get the family to the point of giving their power up. Now obviously they'll check the four of you on team Alpha thoroughly, that's why we've made throwing knives that compact into the size of a necklace pendant or a tie, along with the ladies' earrings, and the men's cufflinks. Just press the button on them and hold your breath. Anyone not holding their breath will be knocked out faster than you can say 'My hovercraft is full of eels.' Any questions? No? Good. Let's all go back to our homes, get some rest, and get ready for tomorrow." My nap that day was the last time I had gotten a good rest.

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