Chapter Eight

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We wandered around and came to another hallway. The hallway was marked "9." I looked at the file on the clipboard and got an idea. "This way, you three. We have two stops down this way." I told them. I went to the first door and tried the code 33792. When the door opened, I saw someone I recognized very well. I had to hide my excitement until the others were in the room, and the door was shut. Only then could I show the delight of seeing my father.
"Dad! I can't believe we found you! Are you alright? What did they do to you?" I said in a rush. He looked slowly up at me and opened his eyes. "Cassie? What in the world are you doing here? They'll find you and put you in a cell if you don't leave right now! Don't worry, I won't say anything to anyone but you've got to get out of here!" He yelled at me. It took me a moment to understand what he was saying. He was telling me to leave him. He thought that I was going to leave him behind and save myself rather than help. "Daddy, I thought you knew me better. I'm never leaving anyone behind. Especially not family." I told him, "Now, I'll get you out of this chair and we can look for Sammy and Simon." "What?! They're both missing?" He screamed. "Dad, calm down, you'll alert the guards if we haven't already." I told him. He nodded and I finished putting the makeshift restraints on him. "We'll go to the next cell. It's the only other one I have a code for so hopefully it will have one of the boys in it." I said.
We walked out of Dad's cell and I led the four of them to the next cell. I put in the code and opened the door. They all filed in before me, and I stepped in after them. I was about to shut the door when someone caught it. "What in blazes are you doing, V? You're going to get yourself caught sneaking them out of here in such big quantities! You'll blow our entire mission!" The voice was so familiar, I was afraid to look up. I had to, though, because my curiosity got the better of me.
"Simon, why are you working here?" I said to him. He looked so dumbfounded and confused, I had to hide the smile on my face and the urge to hug him. "Cassie! How did you get out?! And where have you even been? Everyone has been looking for your search party for two weeks! I had to get a job here so that we could have another inside man! Never mind all of that, let's get inside and I'll explain it all." He said to me. He walked in and pulled me after him, then shut the door.

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