The audition

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This is about keith and the cheerleading squad. Enjoy

I make my way to the gym as im holding cheer practice as im head cheer leader. I get there and the rest of my squad are there. We literally had 3 members: Shay, Nyma and me. We all sit down and we waited. We had a few galra, alteans, humans and alkari (is that what they are XD) but then Keith shown up.
"Um keith, the football practice is outside..." I said and he blushed a light pink.
"Um well ummm... I wanted to actually sign up for cheer.. I-i've allways liked the idea of it and i practiced. I was never put on Galra Highs cheer team cause it was a girls sport." I smile at keiths explination. I look at shay and nyma and they both nod. Out of the corner of my eye aswell i see Lance staring at keith. I ship it hard.
"Go on then keith, show us what you got."
Keith let out a sigh as he stepped onto the gymnastics mat. He started with a couple of cartwheels and hand stands, then moved onto hand flips. I must say i was impressed.
"Pidge mind if i use that equipment over there?" He asked timidly. He was asking to use the mokey like bar. I nod and he goes over. He climbs up to it and latches on. He them starts to do spins and hes sorta like a trapise artist.he jumps off.
"Um pidge could you get a trampoline? Just a small one..." Keith asks and i look over to nyma, who nods. Once keith has the trampoline in place near the training mat he starts to jump. He jumps once, then twice, then a third time and hes off the trampoline. Hes doing 3 flips in the air and then, unexpectedly, he lands in the splits with a smile on his face.

I start clapping like a maniac. So does Nyma and Shay. We were all impressed with Keith.
"So, keith, i think you have a good chance on being on the Voltron Cheers team. The only issue is uniform. We only have female cheering uniform..." Keith looks at me a little shocked.
"Well then pidge, if i have to wear female clothing to be a cheerleader then I'll do it." Keith states. I smile up at him and he smiles back. "See ya then pidge!" Keith says as he starts walking away.
"See ya keith!" I yell back. I look over at Nyma and Shay. They both have huge grins plastered on their faces.
"Pidge, I think we have one of our new memebers already." Shay says whilst smiling perfusly. I knew who shay was talking about. There was another girl who was quite good. Her name was Lanny. She was Lances twin sister and she was absolutly gorgeous.

Lance was still watching from the door that lead to the football feild. I pointed over to him so Nyma and Shay can see him and laugh.
"Okay Lance you can come out now!" I yell over to him, you could see the blush that was spreading out upon his face. He walked out and said with his typical smirk
"Hey there ladies! Pidge, Shay and, as always, the beautiful Nyma."
We all giggle at this because its typical Lance foe you.
"Hey Lance! So why were you staring at Keith when he was auditioning?" I say in the most innocent way. Lance blushed, but covered it up with his hand as if he was trying to hide the fact. It was adorable bacause i ship it hard.
"Anyway ladies I'll see you at the next football match, yes?" Lance asked. We all nodded as we were the cheerleaders. Lance walked off and waved goodbye as we stared back at the peice of paper we had for the auditions.

We write down the names of Keith and Lanny and we go to Principle Allura. We pass a few auditors on the way and they look really excited, but none of tyem were getting a place. One we arrived at Principle Alluras office we knock. She calls out absweet cone in and we enter. We give her the note and she takes the note of the two cheerleaders and i think she saw Keiths because he eyes winded a bit. She looks up and we nod. She nods back and hands us back the note. She then says into the intercom
"May Lanny Mcclain and Keith Kogane please report to my office now, thank you!"
After 5 minutes both Lanny and Keith are there.
"Good news you two, you are officially apart of Voltron Cheers!" Principle Allura states.
Keith and Lanny look really shocked and happy. Keith thanked me by shaking mine, Nymas and Shays hand whilst repeating a quiet thank you. On the other hand, Lanny was just hugging the living daylights out of me. I enjoyed it though.
"Thank you so much! I cant wait to cheer my brother and the rest of the team on!" Lanny screamed. I giggled at her adorablness.
"Thank you Pidge, i just hope no one will judge me as im a boy cheerleader whos gping to ve in girls uniform, hehe" Keith said, you could see the scaredness in his eyes.

I ask Lanny and Keith to follow us (me, Shay and Nyma) to the gym. We had to get them their uniform. I take them to the school shop we have, it was mainky to buy missing uniform like ties, shoes, gym uniform ect.
"Hello Pidge! Oh Shay and Nyma too. What brings you here this fine afternoon?" The front desk lady asked, she was an altean.
"I need some cheer uniform for my newest members. May i ask you sizes you two?" I ask Keith and Lanny
"Im a size 10" Lanny said
"Im a size 14" Keith said.
I nodded and told the front desk lady the sizes. She gave me the belly top, the skirt, the socks and the trainers. I give them to each person and then we head back to the gym.

I know for a fact that Lance will fall in love with Keith when he sees him in the uniform. I ship it hard. Lets think... Leith? No, laith? No, keilance? No, Klance? Yes! Perfect. Klance is their ship name.

Hi guys its two in a day am i right XD love ya my Cubs ❤️❤️❤️
Author chan out!

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