Chapter Nine

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                                                                                 chapter 9

December 1, 1839

We arrived back in New York on a beautiful sunny, but very cold morning. As we came down the gang plank Mama and Papa were waiting for us.As i was crushed between my parents they both said welcome home darling. Jesse and Papa shook hands and discussed the ocean crossing while Mama and I talked about the latest Paris fashions. I couldn't wait to show her my new wardrobe. 

We planned on staying with my family for a few days before heading up North to our new home. We arrived home in time to have a late brunch and for Jesse and I to get settled into our room. Mama came in and asked to see my new wardrobe from Paris. As she was loooking at all of the things Jesse had purchased for me, she quietly told me that Albert had gotten married two weeks ago. She said that no one really knows who this girl is that he married but some speculate that the wedding was planned very quickly and no one from the family and circle of friends were invited. "It was a very closed affair, and we were all shocked." I could just imagine some poor girl going through what I did only this time Albert got caught. I said" lets talk about happier things Mama, ok?" So we went through all of my new aquisitions and soon headed back downstairs to join the men.

"Ah, there are my two beautiful women. "I suppose you two had to sift through all of the trunks that were delivered and exclaim over every piece." He said laughing. " Jesse and I were just discussing the house on the Hudson and when you were leaving us." "We thought we would stay a few days to rest up and head on up to the house on saturday, if that is with alright with you sarah."  I said it was and we settled down for an afternoon chat before dinner was served. 

Aftern dinner Jesse and I went up to our room for some time together and to discuss the day. He asked me what mama and I dicussed other than the finery I showed her, so I told him what she said about Albert. He wasn't surprised, "If he did not attack her, then he was probably caught in an uncomprimising situaton and was forced by her parents to marry her. I knew it would come sooner or later. Men like him have no respect for themselves or for any lady unlucky to cross his path." He said. 

The next morning Jesse and I decided to go for a ride in the park. It was cold but brisk when we set out. "We are having a very mild winter, I hope the weather holds out until we arrive at the Hudson house." Jesse said. We soon met up with several friends and agreed to stop at Kellys for a cup of tea and to get warmed up. Jesse's Mother greeted us heartily and sat us down near the fire to warm ourselves. She asked me how I was feeling and I told her this would probably be ny last outing before settling down in our new home. As no one but the family knew I was wth child I dd not mention that I would not be riding much longer. I was just beginning to see a bulge where my once flat stomach was and could carefully conceal it with the heavy winter clothes I was wearing. Soon it was time to go so we said our goodbyes and left for home.

As we were riding through the park on our way home, we once agan ran into Albert and his new wife. Why is this always happenng? 

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