Part 13

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Standing before her door, I took in a deep breath. I gently knocked on the door. No one opened it.

I called out. "It's me...I know you are there."
"I know you are angry with me...but please open the door. I need to talk to you..."

Still silence.

A chill ran down my spine. An unknown fear enveloped my heart. I started banging on the door.

"Open! Open the door!"

The neighbors gathered around me. "What's wrong?"
"My friend...She is depressed and isn't opening the door!"

Some men helped by trying to open the door forcefully. I started crying. Others tried to console me,"It's okay, your friend will be alright."
But I wasn't convinced.

I cried out at the top of my voice. "Please open the door, I beg of you! I know I was wrong to do that to you...It was my fault! So please...Junior..."

With one last attempt, the door opened.

I ran inside. But the sight I was greeted with left a huge emptiness in my heart.

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