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The next morning Jaebum and family were preparing to go home as the doctor's approved of Jaebum being discharged to rest at home. Slowly he cleans himself up while his brother and his parents pack up the stuffs and gifts he got from his visitors.

"Changkyun ah.."

"Yes omma?"

"I didn't see your nuna this pass few days Jaebum is here.. You know what is going on?"

"I'm not sure mom but it was Jaebum hyung who told her not to come and scolded her."

His mom looks shocked while she pack up Jaebum's things and medicine. Jaebum quickly hit Changkyun's head

"Ya! I didn't scold her you skinhead!"

"Who you calling skinhead!!!"

The two siblings teased each other but was quickly stopped by their dad.

"Son, how old are you guys to be arguing like that?"

"Pretty old, dad!" Changkyun answered

"Jaebum ah, Doctor told me you can't ride a bike until you cure. Is that true ?" His dad's eyebrow raised while speaking

"Yeah.. Even if I can.. I have to scrap my bike... The condition is beyond saving..." Jaebum answered in a sad tone.

"Would you like a new one ?" His dad's question's made Jaebum's eyes sparkles

"Can i??" The pupils of Jaebum's eyes grew larger and larger like a cat.

"But you will have to work for it if you really want it." His father laughed and tapped Jaebum's shoulder making the family laugh at Jaebum's frowning face


*Monsta Monsta X x X x~ What WhAT What~ BA DUDUDUDUDU* Haneul's phone rings

H: Huh... *Haneul answered with her sleepy voice*

C: Nuna... *Changkyun whispered*

H: Oh.. Changkyun ah whats up?

C: Hyung is discharging today. I'm just informing you! Goodbye now, he will kill me if he knows i tell you! Bye!

Changkyun hung up on Haneul. Haneul smiled and let out a sigh of relief while she quickly fall back into her deep sleep, unintentionally skipping school.

Shownu reached the school early but in the end got hungry;

If i go get breakfast like usual at the convenience store, i might see Haneul and i can go to class with her.

He thought with a smile on his face, brisk walking to the convenience store Haneul worked at. He took his usual breakfast meal, head to counter and tapping the back of the girl who is facing another way thinking that she is Haneul.

"Good morning, Haneul!!!" Shownu squinted his eyes and smiles cutely

"Hi welcome, would you need a bag sir ?"

"Eh, Why are you being so formal Han-----*He opened his eyes and found out that the staff isn't Haneul* Oh.. I'm so sorry i thought you were Haneul.."

"It's okay sir." She took the items from Shownu "That'd be 5,000 Won" Shownu handed her the cash then abruptly leaving from feeling embarrassed over his careless acts.

"Sir, your change." She handed him his change

"Oh, I'm sorry.." He took the change from the staff, disappointingly leaving the store. Before he opened the door of the store the staff called out to him

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