No Tear Drops Nor the Morning Dew...

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Spells and Jinxes were flying everywhere. The whole castle was getting illuminated by the variety of colours coming out from the wands of the warriors. The tension in the air was no child's play. Sometimes a loud and painful scream would notify them of a death of an ally whereas a conquering cheer indicated the downfall of a foe. The damage was getting inflicted on both sides.

"I have to fight, in order to create a diversion for them! They trusted me.... He trusted me..." She thought to herself.

She was hurt but it would take a lot more than just few cuts or injuries which were actively bleeding to take her down, she was a Gryffindor after all.

A blast shook the foundation of the balcony on which she was standing! She went flying off due to the impact and landed on the rough pavement with her back facing the ground.

Many of her bones cracked, filling her mouth with blood. But there was no end to her miseries. As soon as her body hit the rock solid floor, a disgusting and fearsome looking guy charged at her. Fenrir Greyback dived his claws into her stomach, red coloured vital fluid gushed out from her belly.

Before the merciless werewolf was able to bite her, she heard a booming "NO!" and Greyback was pushed away as the result of the spell casted on him along with a crystal ball smacking his head thrown at him by a teacher she used to admire.

Quenching last few strands of energy she was left with, "Thank you, Hermione... " She whispered, even through she used to hate her, regardless of all her jealousy for her.

"Good old Madam Trelawney... " she said in an inaudible voice as she was losing her grip on her consciousness.

Her eyes closed, forcing her into a deep, dark and long sleep.

With a lighting speed, Lavender Brown wakes up. A chill rushes down her spine. This nightmare was now a daily cup of tea for her but she is yet to get used to it. She is getting a hang of it, no doubt about that... After suffering from a trauma for 19 years, who wouldn't?
No matter how many times she tried, how harder she tried to forget these memories, they never leave her. She used to get flashbacks, she still feel the pain of her loved ones, friends and relatives dying in front of her eyes and worst of all, she remembers every possible detail!

It's like someone has engraved the terrifying date, 2nd May of year 1998 inside her brain. Its year 2018 now, as an old saying goes Time changes the person, Lavender have changed a lot as well. Her skin is even more paler than it ever used to be, wound marks covered almost every inch of her body narrating the story of her tragic past and dark circles just beneath her eyes indicated the lack of a good and satisfying sleep.

Weather she accepts it or not, no matter how unpleasant that incident was, it's now a part of her alongside which she have to live the rest of her life with. Gradually she is getting used to all of this. After all, that battle wasn't the first time when happiness betrayed her.

Along with those memories, there is one more thing she wants to get rid off.
A feeling to be precise. The remembrance of her first and last love.
After the death of Lavender's mother, her father drowned himself into the lust of Alcohol and liquor, Making a tippler out of himself.
Drinking all day long never helps you run your errands but thanks to Lavender, who matured before her age because a cruel thing called life happened to her, understood this very well and started working as an employee at the Ministry of Magic. Sometimes she gets small glimpses of her won won, who isn't even hers to begin with.

Trust me, it is really painful to love someone, knowing on top of it that you will never be loved back.

What's her fault in this?

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