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• Elements P.O.V. •

I sleeping peacefully and dreaming. My sleep was interrupted by somebody yelling and jumping on me.

"Auntie, auntie! You gotta wake up!" My 8 year old nephew, Isaiah, said as he kept jumping on me. I groaned as I seen what time it was, I wanted to say fuck work and just stay home. But at the same time, I have bills to pay and I have to keep food on the table.

"Okay Isaiah, I'm up!" I sat up, looking up at Isaiah. He looked like his dad, every time I see him.

Isaiah's dad, also my brother, Isaac, died when Isaiah was only 3. At that time, Isaiah was too young to understand the things his father was going through. When Isaac died, I had no choice but to step up and take care of my nephew. I knew my parents didn't want anything to do with Isaiah, so I took him in.

Anyways, me and Isaiah both, brushed our teeth and washed our face. We raced each other down the stairs to the kitchen and made us some cereal.

"Okay Isaiah, go get dressed." I said as I was going to my bedroom.

I was confused on what to wear. I didn't wanna wear something too sexy or something too nerdy, so I just found myself a casual outfit. I sprayed on my 'Paris' perfume and walked down the stairs to the front door.

• Outfit In The Media •

"Isaiah, you ready?" I yelled. I heard soft footsteps above me and saw him making his way the stairs. His outfit was so cute.

"I'm ready now." he said smiling hard . I grabbed his hand and walked out the door and locked it. As I sat in the drivers seat, Isaiah sat in the backseat while putting on his seat belt. I drove off and played Isaiah's favorite song "plug walk".

I forgot to introduce myself.

My name is Element Jones.

I'm 25 years old and I am middle school teacher at Pulaski elementary-middle school. I've been working there for a year and some months. I'm currently teaching 7th grade. Isaiah also goes there, just so I can keep a eye on him.

I parked in my parking spot and grabbed my things. Isaiah reached out his hand, placing it in mine softly and we walked into the building. Once n the main office, I signed us both in and walked him to his class.

"Now, you better behave Isaiah." I said while fixing his curly hair .

"I will auntie." He said swatting my hands away from his hair. He walked into his class and I watched him get settled in his desk, taking his utensils out.

I made my way to the middle school wing, trying to make it to my classroom but the hallway was crowded with students, I could barely move.

About 9 minutes later ..

I finally reached my classroom. I sighed in relief, setting out paper and my teacher notebook to prepare. As I was bout to sit down, students began to enter the classroom and sit in their assign seats.

I clasped my hands together. "Good morning class." I spoke smiling to the 28 students seated in front of me.

"Good morning Ms. Jones." The whole class said. I chuckled.

Well, let the day begin..

End of the day...

I was packing my things up and leaving out the door to go get Isaiah. Making my way down the hall, I turned down the elementary wing, spotting him talking and laughing with a little girl.

"Hey Isaiah." I said while walking closer to him and the girl .

"Hi auntie!"

"Whose your young friend here?"

"This is my Miracal." He beamed. "Miracal, this is my auntie Element." Isaiah said looking at the both of us. I kneeled down a little, softly waving. She giggled and waved back. She was a pretty little girl.

"Miracal? Where are you?" I heard a deep voice say, calling out for Miracal. The girl turned and yelled "I'm right here daddy!" while giggling. I stood up back up and saw a handsome man walking towards us. We locked eyes for a few seconds. I broke the gaze by looking down, smiling softly.

"Miracal, I was looking all over for you." He said picking her up and putting her on his hip. She smiled and pointed at me and Isaiah.

"Daddy look, its Isaiah and his auntie Element."

"Element? That's a pretty and unique name." He said smirking at me. I was stuck and didn't know what to say .

"Oh uh thanks. I'm Element Jones." I said rubbing my arm. I never acted like this, especially around a man.

"Well, its time for me and Miracal to go, somebody has to visit their grandma today." He said looking at Miracal.

"Yay~ Grandma's house!" She cheered. Both me and her father laughed at her.

"Well Isaiah, say goodbye to Miracal." He looked at me with his puppy dog eyes, while pouting.

"Auntie, I don't wanna say goodbye."

"Awwh Isaiah, it's okay, your gonna see her on Monday." I said trying to cheer him up.

"Or, how about we make them a play date." Miracal's dad said out of the blue.

"Uh? Well that doesn't sound bad, but I don't know." I said unsure.

"Please~!" Isaiah and miracal bot, whined out. I rolled my eyes, smiling in the process.

"Alright alright, we can make a play dat . How about tomorrow?"

"Yeah tomorrow will be fine." He said smiling at me. Man, he has an amazing smile. Him and Miracal were about to walk away, until I told him to wait. He turned around and looked at me. Confusion written on his face.

"I never got your number." I gave him my phone.

"Oh sorry."  He chuckled and typed his number and name in my phone.

"It was nice meeting you, Element Jones." He smirked at me and walked off with Miracal in his arms, waving goodbye to me and Isaiah.

"It was nice meeting you too," I looked down at my phone and grinned.

"Justin Blakely."

Sooo .. how was the first chapter? I'm gonna be more serious about this book , cause I'm actually liking it . Plus my sister , is helping me with it .

Btw . The name "miracal" is miracle . Just spelt differently. Just in case some of y'all didn't know that . (Slow mfs)

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