Traveling to Roy

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I sighed, finally, the preperations were set in order for Jasper, Harriot and I to go to the Roy island. We would have to wait a couple of days. The Roy nobles left, it wasn't eventful in the least. Elliot's wife was still trying to get Jasper, but I was able to shut her up, before my father was unoccupied. I knew that he would jump at the opportunity to get rid of Jasper, in order to get me a female personal slave. But the thing is, Jasper's more than a personal slave to me, nobody could ever replace him. I knew that when the time comes, I'd fight my father in order to keep Jasper at my side. I looked over to Jasper, from the balcony, as he was showing Harriot the gardens. I remember when we were there.. it was when he was trying to leave, but in order to have that area, not hold negative energy, Jasper and I had a picnic there, a couple of days after we arrived back from the school. It was about midnight, and I had Case help set it up, not around midnight..It was about seven when I had Case help out. When we went over there, we had been really tired, and stargazed until we fell asleep on the picnic blanket. I chuckled at the memory, we never ate anything in the picnic basket. " You seem to be in a good mood, today..Can I guess why," Nanna asked. I turned to look into the room and said," I have no idea, what you're talking about, Nanna." Nanna is one of the only servants that knows about my relationship with Jasper. All the other servants are rather curious about the reason I have been in a rather good mood, I had wondered if I was a grumpy person before I met Jasper, and had asked Nanna about it. I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was three months ago," Nanna, am I a grumpy person?" I asked her. She said," No? Why do you ask?" I said," The other servants are whispering about my good I was wondering if I have been really grumpy before these past weeks." Nanna shook her head and said," No, you just seem happier, and you know that all of us want to know what caused this lovely mood. Youth, I swear, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're in love." I scratched the back of my neck, awkwardly, and said," Well...I guess, I am." My response was really hesitant, cause at the time I didn't really know if I could tell her, but she did practically raise me, whenever Mother wasn't able to, which was rather often. Anyway,I told her, and now she keeps teasing me about it. Thankfully, Nanna knows not to tease about Jasper and I's relationship in front of others, especially not around my father. It has been three days, since the guest of Roy have left, which meant that it was the perfect time for me to ask Father if I could go to 'school'. We would be able to sneak Harriot in the boat, just fine.. and Jasper, as my personal servant, would have to come with me. But before we went to Roy, I had to have a talk with my mother, privately. I searched around the castle, all the areas my mother usually goes to...only to find her, in Jessica's room, talking to my two sisters. I knocked on the door, and said," Can I come in?" They seemed surprised, which I did not blame them, I have kind of been putting them at a distance lately, as Father has piled me with work, in order to know the ins and outs of what ruling the kingdom means. The only time I'm not working, is when Jasper and I are together, and though I would invite my sisters and little brother to join us, when we ate our meals.. I didn't like sharing with Jasper, usually gave him his attention more..I wanted it to be our alone, spending time with them has been out of the question until now. Jill said," Yeah, sure. Damien..You can come in. How've you been?" I sat next to Jill and said," I've been alright. I swear, Father is giving me enough work to kill a elephant. But other than that things have been good. Sorry, that I haven't been able to hang out with you girls as much." Mother said," Oh, Damien deary, It's fine, I know how your father can be, working himself to the bone, I don't expect him to not teach you the long hours of a king. So, why did you come over to talk to us?" I said," I finally had the time, and I'm going to be leaving for Roy, so I wanted to clear some things up with you, Mom." She looked toward the girls then looked back to me and said," What would that be?" I responded," As I believe my sisters have probably told you, Jasper and I are lovers. Now before you say anything, I want to make it clear that you can not tell Father, even if you do accept our relationship..And If you do not, then.." Mother interrupted me as she said," Hold up, you will let your mother speak, before you accuse her of anything, do you understand?" I nodded, then she continued," Your sisters did tell me, though I did not believe them as I wanted you to tell me yourself. To be honest, I really do not care who you date..I mean, why do you think I had so many children? I wanted to make sure that all of you had options. If you were straight, that'd have been great. But I'm sure, that if the people are concerned about an heir, we can have Jill and Jessica tested to be a 'mother' of the baby with.. Well... that complicated way, or when Case gets older, he can have children that will be the heirs.  I really don't see why you're stressing over this so much." Flies, please don't go in my mouth, I'm too shocked right now, to close my mouth, at the moment. 

-=-=-=-=-Author's Note-=-=-=-=-=-

You think I should give them a couple of chapters?

Ender: Nah, make them wait..

You're right, I should give them some chapters..Or maybe I should wait until someone comments... Then give them another chapter... Yes, that'll do just nicely..

Edit: Should have posted these two chapters when school started as I did them over the summer, but... Better late than never, right? 

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