Life Note Rules

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I) The human whose name is written in this note shall live.

II) This note will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in mind when writing his/her name. This is to prevent people who share the same name from being affected.

III) The Life Note will not ever affect a victim whose name has been misspelled four times.

IV) If the subjects name is written within 3 days of death, subject will be revived.

V) Life Note owner can only write down the names of those who have been killed by the Death Note.

VI) Any subject who has been already embalmed, will not be affected by the Life Note.

VII) Any subjects body that has been cremated or burned alive, will not be affected by the Life Note.

VIII) Subjects body must be fully intact to be revived by the Life Note. Decapitation or missing body parts such as organs, will not be affected by the Life Note.

IX) Life Note Owners must figure out the limitations of the rules within their own judgement.

X) Life Note owners must be kind hearted to their Tennins.

XI) It is useless to try to erase names written in the Life Note with erasers or to white them out.

XII) Subject must already be dead to be revived by the Notebook.

XIII) If subject is alive while he/ she's name is written in this Notebook, subject cannot be revived after dying.

XIV) One page taken from the Life Note, or even a fragment of the page, possesses the full power of the note.

XV) Any writing instrument or medium (cosmetics, blood, etc.) may be used, as long as it can write directly onto the note and create legible text.

XVI) The pages of the Life Note will never run out.

XVII) This note shall become the property of the human world once it touches the human in the human world.

XVIII) The human who touches the Life Note can recognize the image and voice of its Tennin owner, even if the human is not the owner of the note.

XIX) Owner can not be killed by the Death Note, while in procession of the Life Note, but Owner can be injured if  name is written in Death Note.

XX) The Life Note, is only used when a Death Note has surfaced. Once a Death Note is back in the Shinigami Realm, Tennins relinquish the Note Book.

XXI) If Tennin relinquishes the humans rights of the Life Note, due to previous rule, if Death Note resurfaces, previous owner is the first chosen for repossessing the Life Note.

XXII) The individuals who lose ownership of a Life Note will also lose their memories of it. However, this does not mean that they will lose all memories from the period of ownership: they will only lose the memories involving the Life Note.

XXIII) When regaining ownership of a Life Note, the memories associated with it will also return. In cases where the owner was involved with other Life Notes as well, memories of all the Life Notes involved will return. The memories will return just by touching the Life Note, even without obtaining ownership of it.

XXIV) Memories related to a Life Note are lost when its ownership is lost. But they may be regained by either obtaining ownership once again or by touching the Life Note. This can be done up to six times per Life Note. Any times more than that, the person's memory of the Life Note will not return and they will have to use it without any previous memory of it.

XXV) Even if you do not actually possess the Life Note, you may still use it to full effect.

XXVI) Only by touching each other's Life Notes can owners recognize the appearance or voice of each other's Tennin's.

XXVII) You will not lose memory of the Life Note if, for example, you merely owned it and did not write down anyone's name. In this case, you will not be able to hear or see the Tennin anymore.

XXVIII) In the event that there are more than six Life Notes in the human world, only the first six Life Notes that have been delivered to humans will have effect. The seventh Life Note will not become active until one of the other six Life Notes is destroyed or a Tennin takes one of them back to the Tennin realm.

XXIX) For every name written in this Life Note, 40 seconds of owners life is taken away.

XXX) If owner does not choose to abide by the rules of the Life Note, when reviving a subject, the Tennin is granted permission to strip all knowledge of the Life Note from Owner.

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