How you meet

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Hey guys jineka here and today I'm sorry for keeping you waiting and I had to edit out some chapters and I'm sorry again to keep you waiting anyways on to the story


You were in the mines looking for budder. Yes, you call gold butter, because your "so cool" as your friend said. You need it so you can make a butter apple. You have been in the mines for 3 hours now, and only found seven diamonds, three emeralds, two stacks of redstone, and a ton of lapis. You were starting to get angry, you found another bunch of caves and saw a faint yellow glow, butter! You ran towards it and started mining. "Hey! That budders mine!" Said a voice, you turned around to see an attractive guy, with brown hair and sunglasses, wearing a black and grey stripped shirt and an amulet. When he looked at you, you saw his eyes widen under his glasses. "Uh, hey! My name is Sky! What's yours?" He asked, you smiled and said "Name's (y/n) nice to meet you Sky!" He smiled back. "Very pretty name, suite you! Want to mine with me?" You nodded and joined him, you and Sky went back to mining.


Your friend Sky was going to introduce you to one of his friends today, and you were SUPER EXCITED! You didn't have many friends, only one (his/her) name is (f/n), so you hoped this mystery friend will be your friend. You heard a know on the door and answered it. You was an attractive guy there, with brown hair and a pair of green and black headphones, wearing a white v-neck shirt and grey jeans, he smiled and said. "I'm hey! Is this (y/n)'s house?" "Yes and you are?.." you asked. "Deadlox, but you can call me Ty." He replied. "Hey Ty" Sky said "OOOOOOH! Someone gots a girlfriend!" Sky said to Ty. "I-I-I do not!" He said blushing, you felt a blush creep on your face. 'me and Ty a thing?! I just met the guy' you thought . But he was attractive... You guys went inside and when Sky left, Ty stayed and hung out with you. Best day ever!

Minecraft Universe:

You smiled at the sky, you always loved watching the stars at night. They just beautiful! If only you could fly up with them...You were so hypnotized by the stars, you didn't even notice someone walking up to you. "I see you like the stars!" You heard a voice say, when you turned your head, you saw a guy who looked like he was from halo, except his suit was bright blue. "Yeah, I do, there amazing!" You replied, he sat down next to you and looked up at the stars with you. "They are pretty amazing..." He said, you nodded, agreeing with him. You both sat there talking and watching the stars.

The BajanCanadian:

You were always, awesome with weapons. Your parents always wanted you to become a fighter, but you didn't want to, you wanted to be a lover, not a fighter, but you were very capable of fighting if you had to. You were taking a walk through the woods, then you saw a figure ahead, as you got closer, it started to look familiar. When you got closer, you figured who it was, it's THE BajanCanadian, or Mitch as some people call him! The best Hunger Games player of all time! Even though you were a lover, you loved watching the Hunger Games! You always cheered when he wins! But then, when we wasn't paying attention, you saw a creeper sneaking up on him. You got out your sword and threw it at the creeper, his eyes widen as he saw the sword passed him, but then when he saw what it hit, he looked at you and smiled. "Dood! That was amazing!" He said looking at you. "Really?!" You asked, shocked and he even noticed you. "Yea! How did you do that?" He asked, smiling. "Just years of training." You said smiling, 'I think I just made a new friend!' you thought in your head.


You were jumping through the trees, enjoying life. When you were younger, your mother told you stories about "The baccas" and you were amazed by them. You did everything they would do, jumping from, hunted animals using an axe, everything! The wind gently hitting your face, you flet supper relaxed. You jumped to another tree and stopped to catch your breath. You looked and saw...eyes in a tree?! "Hello? You don't have to hide from me! I won't hurt you!" You said smiling. "You'll probably just scream and run..." You heard a sad voice said. "No I would never judge anyone." You replied. Slowly, the figure came out of the trees and standing on a branch was a bacca! You never thought you would ever see on, you thought that they were fake. He had a suit on and chocolate brown eyes that put you in a trance..."Yeah I know I'm..." "Awesome!" You grinned, he smiled back. 'I think I just made a new friend!' you thought.


You were swimming at the beach, just relaxing. You loved the water and your friend (f/n) called you a fish. While you were swimming, you felt something bump into your leg. "What the" you said, then some... thing pooped up. "Hello!" Your eyes instantly widened. "Don't do that!" You said laughing, he Chuckled. "Sorry..." You finally got a good look at him, he was a mudkip! "My name is (y/n)! What's yours?" You asked smiling. "My name is Husky!" You grinned. 'cool I have a mudkip for a friend!' you thought.


You were at the local PVP arena , practice. You were the second best fighter, and the first best fighter was your hero, SSundee. He was your idol, he gave you the idea of fighting, inspiring you to practice. You were the only girl who liked fighting, all the others like girly stuff like make-up and puppies, but you LOVE fighting. The practicing match you were in, they were extremely hard, but you were winning. You did a flip and hit your apponents legs so he would fall. You walked over to your opponent and smiled at him. "Good game!" He walked off mumbling, you gabbed some water and started drinking it. "You were really good out there!" You heard a familiar voice say, you turned your head and almost dropped your water. The one and only SSundee is talking to you! "R-Really?" You asked. "Yeah! I have never seen anyone fight like that! We should train together sometime!" He said, smiling. "I would love that!" You said l, grinning.

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