Chapter One

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My breath was heavy in my chest and my feet were getting sore, yet I continued to run and push through the crowd of people. You might ask why I'm running.....well that's because I'm being chased. Obviously. I had only a few minutes earlier attempted to steal the leg of a dead cow from a cold truck that was parked in the street and was being unloaded. With my glorious luck there happened to be two police officers right near by, and had been notified the second I tried to steal it and began chasing me down the streets.

I felt my ankle role as I stepped ungracefully into the gutter, and with even more of my luck, I tripped and stumbled and fell face first into the ground, smashing my chin in. On top of the pain, I had even drop the meat! That was the saddest part!

Before I could even attempt to get up, and knee was driven hard in between my shoulders, pinning me to the ground. I could hear their laboured breathing as they arrested me.

"Get up Kid!" Said one Officer as he hoisted me up. A circle of people had already gathered at the scene, but after the officer had "apprehended" me, they quickly dispersed. The officer holding me ordered the other one to fetch the car, he was clearly the superior officer.

It wasn't long before he pulled up with the police car and I was shoved into the backseat.



I could hear the voice through the phone at the police station, and it didn't sound too happy. The Officer, who I leaned was named Officer Watkins, hung up the phone after finishing the conversation. He approached me, "I just got off the phone  with your social services manager, and he explained how you've been going through some troubles-"

"Bullshit" I interrupted. He frowned but ignored me and continued, "he told me you've been having some life issues, and we've agreed to let you go. Of course you're foster home will be paying for the damaged meat at least."

I winced at the part, it wasn't fun getting in trouble at a foster home. I knew that this would cost me and I'd be moved again. Not that I really cared, I didn't like it there anyway. Smelt like piss everywhere and all the kids were getting fat there.

"Why'd you steal that meat anyway? Just for attention?" He smeared at me. He was lucky I was handcuffed otherwise I would've strangled him right there.

"No. Obviously I stole the meat so that I could eat it."

"But did you really need one that big?"

"I'm a growing boy," I taunted. Officer Watkins looked like he wanted to hit me right then and there but held back. He released me from my cuffs shortly after and I left the station. I guess it's time to go home, but what would a few extra minutes make? Plus, I really needed to stop by the Justice League.

Yes, it's true, I'm part of the Justice League! Normally my name is Billy Batson, but I can turn into the superhero Shazam by  saying the name. I had gotten the powers from a crazy old wizard about a year and I half ago, and I had joined the League about a year ago. Of course they still didn't know who I was, and didn't know that I was only 13 years old. I doubt I'd be aloud on the team if they new that information!

I slipped into a hidden alleyway and yelled Shazam! A large bolt of lightning came down and struck me, turning me into Shazam and a 20 something year old man. The lightning bolt was pretty flashy, but people didn't seem to take much notice of it unless I called their attention to it for some reason.

I flew up to a phone booth, walked in, and closed the door behind me. "Hall of Justice!" I said loudly. A female voice responded and I entered my code and was then Beta-tubed to the hall of Justice.


I arrived to total chaos. Smoke filled the place as it shook sending rubble falling here and there. I heard the sound of shouting and fighting. Superhero action!

I flew towards the sound of commotion at full speed, and arrived to an interesting sight. A few members of the Justice League, including Wonder Woman, Hawkgirl, Green Lantern, Batman, and the flash were fighting none other than my arch nemesis, Black Atom! They seemed to be struggling greatly, and I knew I couldn't just sit and watch. I flew towards them, only to knock into Batman who had been thrown my way.

"Shazam." He stated. I assumed it was his version of a question/surprise, but I don't think Batman has those emotions. I gestured at Black Atom, "I know how to defeat him. He has the same powers as me."

"Clearly," Batman retorted. Or at least I think I heard sarcasm in there, it's really hard to tell honestly. I nodded to Batman, and flew forward while he notified the team to back off for a second so that I could deal with him.

I tackled him rugby style and shot up straight towards the sky, taking the both of us. I propped him up above me and opened my mouth to say the magic words. Our eyes met for only a second, and he knew what I was planning. Before I could do anything, he flipped us around so that were both equally angled towards the sky, and the both of us yelled "SHAZAM!!" At the same time, each hoping to be the faster one.

But we were equal, and the Lightning crashed down on the both of us, turning us both into our real forms. Which was both good and bad for me. The good part being that that meant that Black Atom was dead, since his true form would be hundreds of years old and he hadn't been in that form since he was able to live in it. The bad part meaning that I was now just some 13 year old kid falling down the sky.

"Oh shit," I mumbled before passing out and falling back down to earth.

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