(Alex's POV)

I glared at this intruder who was standing in the VIP section obviously having undoing the velvet ropes because Rob wasn't at his post. Tristan's was at the entrance to the club to ID people coming in.
I had been glaring at him for a while when I shifted my glare, albeit a softened one, to Piper,
"Home. Now. I'll see you in an hour when I'm finished here."
She tried to protest,
"But, what?! No! *hiccup* Al! I've only just got h-"
I wanted her out of our club. I wanted her safely back at home. I wanted HER.
I raised my voice slightly and gave her a stern look that makes her give in immediately,
"Now Piper."
I raised my hand to Tristan, signalling him.
He came over,
"Yes boss?"
"Tristan, get Piper and her best friend out of here. Make sure Pipes gets home safely. One hair on her head gets harmed and you Tristan, are fired." I instructed him.
"Sure thing boss." He answers with a smile and I gently push Piper towards him after pulling her back by the wrist for another passionate kiss on the lips and watch as they gather Polly and leave. As I watched them leave, I clocked Larry sitting in a booth watching us. Oh good, let's anger me more why don't we?
"What, the fuck, are YOU doing HERE?!" I seethe at him. He had every right to be back in New York but in my club, really?! He squirms, noting he'd been spotted by me.
As if this idiot beside me wasn't annoying enough,
"Lar?! Bro! Score dude! You know THE Alex Vause?!" He praised him. This dude who tried to get with my wife a second ago was Larry's friend?! Oh brilliant this gets better and better. I seethed at the thought that Piper was once his fiancé and he let his friend hit on her, knowing she was now married to me.
Taking his eyes off a very angry me briefly, Larry turned to his friend,
"Yeah Fletch, her wife is uh, is um, Piper Vause is my ex." He stammers.
Going by his friends' faces, they are aghast at what he just said. They looked like 5 goldfish out of water.
Fletcher spoke up,
"You mean that hot blonde, the other Mrs VAUSE is your ex?! Dude! I won't tell Vanessa but DAMN!"
Seething and reasserting my presence, livid at how they were talking about me and Pipes in that way as if I wasn't standing here in MY club listening to it all. I break their banter.
"Ok first of all, Hector is it?! I believe the VIP area is for me, my wife, our friends and family and VIP guests EXCLUSIVELY. NOT L.A hotshots like you."
He answered me flirtatiously,
"It's Fletcher actually but you can call me Fletch and hotshot huh?"
He winks at me and I rolled my eyes. Oh god no.
"Ugh gross, gay, married and way out of your league Hector now get back behind that velvet rope. Now." I growled.
He challenged me and not in the sexy way Piper did it,
"Or what?"
I raised my eyebrows,
Immediately, he lifted Fletcher from under his arms and placed him back in the booth with Larry and the rest. I sauntered over to them. Livid.
"Second. If I ever see you come on to my wife or unfortunately, myself, again, I will make sure that all of my employees all over the world know to ban you, all of you, from my clubs and make you into the dweebs who can't get into the hottest club in the world." I say, coldly glaring at Fletcher with my piercing green eyes.
Larry butted in, clearly having found the courage. I knew he was scared of me.
"Oh come on Alex-"
My head snapped towards him and my glare focused on him. My old love rival that almost took Piper away from me forever.
"And as for you, what the fuck are you doing back in town and who the fuck is Vanessa?" I growl at him.
"I'm here on my bachelor party and Vanessa is my fiancé." He tries to confidently tell me but thanks to my skills I needed when I was a drug dealer, I could tell he wasn't confident at all.
"Aw, cute." I scoffed thinking to myself that 4 months was a bit fast to be getting engaged but each to their own I guess. Means I didn't have to worry about him stealing Piper anymore. I was still mad though.
"Speaking of fiancés. MY WIFE used to be your FIANCÉ and you were just going to let this idiotic fuck hit on her KNOWING she is MARRIED TO ME?! Unfortunately Larry, you were at our wedding in Hawaii then kissed ME thinking I was HER on OUR WEDDING NIGHT! Oh, and let's not forget about you climbing up the balcony of our honeymoon suite! I don't exactly trust you when it comes to Pipes!" I bark at him angrily, enjoying revealing what he had done on my wedding night to his friends.
"I um, well I was-" He stammers.
"You were what?!" I snap.
Knowing I wasn't going to get an answer anytime soon, I called Stacey.
"Stacey?!" I called the dancer behind me that Piper had been talking to.
She nervously darted to my side,
"Y-Yes Mrs Vause?" She stuttered.
"Did Larry here or any of his friends apart from Hector here-"
"It's Fletcher actually-" He cut in.
"Shut up." I snapped at him so he did instantly.
I continued,
"Did Larry or any of his friends apart from FLETCHER here try to chat up Piper and actually, while I'm at it, why was Piper working your pole when I got here?" I asked her, looking at her quizzically, narrowing my eyes.
"Y-You told me that Piper was also my boss and she asked for it and no, they stayed here it was only that guy that tried to have sex with her." She said pointing at Fletcher.
"Hey now wait a minute- " He cut in again in a bid to defend himself.
"Didn't I just tell you to shut your fucking mouth?!" I yelled at him.
"Continue Stacey." I commanded her.
She did,
"Ok, um, Piper was in the secluded booth of the VIP area with her best friend, the one you two always use together. She was saying how she wanted to get drunk because she missed you too much and that she was so happy you were coming back tonight when that guy approached her and asked if he could by her a drink and for her to prove she co-owned this place." She finished.
"Nicky?" I asked.
"I told him that you buy her drinks Vause and that she gets them free here anyway. You know? Perks of being married to the owner. Besides I DID ask how she was doing and she told me that she loves her life and she loves you. I believe her exact words were 'Nicky I love my life and I love my wife' with a few hiccups here and there. She's giddy as hell now you're back Vause." She replied. Nicky was my friend and knew me well enough now to know that I was simply protecting Piper. It also made a small smile creep onto my face, hearing what Piper had said. I also cursed it slightly since I was trying to be mad. I was slightly mad at Nicky too though,
"Good but why the hell weren't you over there with Piper?! You saw her get shot! You know what I'm like about her safety now!" I say with raised eyebrows.

(Larry's POV)

Wait. Hold up, Piper had been shot?! I leave her in the hands of Alex and this happens. Yes, I had a new fiancé and had let Piper go to be with her drug smuggling lesbian hypnotist, but I still cared about her. Jesus, she had been shot?! I also couldn't help but notice the new looking, yet gradually ageing tattoo Alex had on her chest that was visible due to the open collar of the black leather jumpsuit she was wearing. Piper's name in a heart.

(Alex's POV)

Nicky answered me, defending herself,
"Jesus Vause, she seemed to be holding her own pretty well and I believe I have a job to do that you're paying me for."
I turned my attention to Tristan.
"Why isn't Rob at his station, guarding the entrance to the VIP area?" I asked him, annoyed even further.
"He went for a bathroom break." He replies.
At that moment Rob showed up, "Hey Mrs Vause! You're back! Where's the other half? She'll be thrilled to see you. Trust me. Why the anger?" He says cheerfully.
"Rob, you are fucking fired!" I shout at him.
"What?! Why?! The fuck did I do?!" He protested.
"Let this perv into the VIP area to come on to my wife that's what you fucking did! Now get out! Tristan get Larry and his gang out too." I yell, frustrated.
"Hey what? You can't do that!" Larry protested.
"Can I not?! I believe I own it Bloom now everyone but Stacey and Tristan, get the fuck out of my club or at least my way. I have a wife I haven't seen in a week to get back to." I state and leave.

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