No One's Ever Really Gone.

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"Come with me, young Skywalker, there's much for you to learn."

Galen followed the man ignorantly. Neither Galen, nor Rey, knew this man, but the chose to follow his lead anyway. After all, he knew the Skywalker name. "So," Galen started, "how do you know who I am?"

"Who you are?" The figure asked. "Not who you are, but what you are."

Galen was curious as to whether or not there was something about himself he did not know, "Okay," he raised his eyebrow, "then what am I?"

"You are the firstborn of the chosen one, Anakin Skywalker." The man replied without hesitation as he turned and looked towards Galen. The group stopped in place. The man holding his hands in front of him, tucked away in his robe, nodded towards Rey, "And you," he paused, "you are Rey. You have quite the destiny laid before you young one."

Curious now, Galen couldn't help but interrupt the gentleman, reaching his hand out towards him as a gesture to cut in, "You know my father?" His eyes were widened, hope filled him once more. Maybe this man could have the answers I need. Maybe he knows where my father is...

"Of course I know him," the man started, "I am Qui-Gon Jinn. I found your father on Tatooine, and brought him before the Jedi Council on Couruscant to be trained by me. It was I who believed him to be the chosen one. And as the force would have it, he was." Qui-Gon gave a half smile and stared into the distance. He thought of the time when he was still alive, and when Anakin was but a small boy. He knew then and there he was the chosen one. So strong and powerful at such a young age, the boy had to have been the chosen one the prophecy spoke of. He did bring balance to the force, single handedly defeating the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. The Galaxy was at peace, but, for how long? And was the prophetic chosen one himself, Anakin Skywalker, at peace?

Galen was confused, "Father said you died before he began his training." Qui-Gon simply nodded to him. "Then how are you here right now? How am I able to speak with you? Is this some kind of trick?"

"No," Qui-Gon cocked his head, "It is not a trick, it's is only the force. I've learned to become one with the force. As will your father once I teach him, and you mother, and eventually of course you. It's challenging, but to truly become one with the force after leaving your physical body, you have to learn to truly let go. Let go of everything and give in to the force. But," he sighed, "you're far from there Galen, come, we must keep moving. Especially if you want to find your father."

Galen's heart raced with happiness, no longer was the looming sense of dread surrounding him. Finally, after all this time, he finally had some clue as to where his father was and he was actually a step closer to finding him instead of always being three steps behind. "You know where he is?"

Qui-Gon's face grew concerned, "I don't," he paused, "but I have spoken with him. He's here, on this planet, somewhere in the depths of what a number of caves have to offer."

Galen's heart sank, the dread returning, "So he is gone... my father's gone."

Rey rested her hand on Galen's shoulder, Qui-Gon approaching them, did the same before speaking, "No one's ever really gone."

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