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AS SAMANTHA DARLING STOOD next to Cole, she coated a lighting bolt cutout with yellow paint — to which would be used in the play

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AS SAMANTHA DARLING STOOD next to Cole, she coated a lighting bolt cutout with yellow paint — to which would be used in the play. It was her job to do the coat the objects, while it was Cole Mackenzie's to paint the designs.

So far, it was going great — except for the multiple glances Samantha took in the direction of Gilbert Blythe. The boy stood a few feet away, standing up on the stage while he studied the landscape — taking notes.

"Alright, I'm all finished with the outline," Cole informed Samantha. "I'm going to go start on the stage artwork now."

"Sounds good," Samantha replied, her gaze staying on the lighting bolt as she focused on the task.

The boy then walked over to the stage, leaving Samantha by herself. The girl didn't mind being alone, but she did feel slightly uncomfortable under the gaze of Gilbert.

From across the room, Cole Mackenzie grabbed a tall ladder and placed it where he wanted to start.

Samantha Darling hummed in satisfaction as she looked at her finished product. The lighting bolt was now completely coated yellow — ready for stage use.

"Hey, Samatha," Billy teased — him and his friends walking over to the girl, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Billy, I'm a little busy," Samantha replied, not wanting to look up at the boy.

"I know, I know," Billy defended, holding his hands up. "I just thought you could use a little...laugh."

Shifting her gaze up to the boy, Samantha furrowed her eyebrows. Crossing her arms over her chest, Samantha asked, "Billy, what are you planning on doing?"

"Nothing," Billy muttered, a smirk playing on his lips as he waved to the girl. "I'll be over there if you need me, dollface."

Rolling her eyes once again, Samantha Darling could not believe Billy Andrews' nerve. Yes, the two had "broken up", but Billy still remained a jerk in front of his friends.

That's what bothered Samantha the most about Billy. No matter how normal he was alone, he would always act completely opposite when his friends were around.

But, that wasn't any of her business. As long as Billy Andrews didn't hurt anyone, Samantha would keep her cool.

"You're so talented, Cole," Tillie giggled, staring dreamily up at the boy on the ladder.

"I love that bird so much," Ruby gushed.

"No one in the whole class can paint like you, Cole," Jane Andrews finished.

Biting her lip, Samantha tried her best to shut out the flirtatious gestures that her friends set on Cole. The boy was an excellent painter, but art took many hours — silent hours. Samantha could tell Cole was blocking their voices out as well — his face holding the same focused expression.

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