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AS THE TWO GIRLS ENTERED their house, Samantha practically threw her basket onto the floor when she saw a letter from Gilbert Blythe

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AS THE TWO GIRLS ENTERED their house, Samantha practically threw her basket onto the floor when she saw a letter from Gilbert Blythe. At first, she wasn't worried about him one bit.

But, now, with everything that's been going on, she needed him now more than ever. Peeling open the envelope, Samantha pulled out the piece of paper and read:

Dear Miss Samantha Darling,
Is there really gold in Avonlea?
Anyway, I've missed you much. Some nights I cant sleep because I cant get your silly smile out of my head. We've just visited Trinidad, and may I say, it was an experience I'll never forget. I don't know when I'll be back, but I thank you for waiting for me. Hopefully not too much trouble has happened, and I hope you're safe.
Gilbert Blythe

After re-reading the letter three times, Samantha sighed and threw her head bacon in defeat. Diana ran up beside her, "What is it? What did he say?"

Samantha handed Diana the letter and poured herself a cup of tea. After Diana was done reading, she slightly gasped, "We have to tell him there is no gold in Avonlea!"

"We can do that when he gets back," Samantha spoke. "I just want him to *sip* have fun while he can."

"I just hope he understands..." Diana trailed off, causing Samantha to look up at the girl in confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"Not about the gold..." Diana trailed off, setting the letter down on the table. "...about you and Billy."

"What..." Samantha paused, clearing her throat before speaking. "What about me and Billy?"

"You know what I mean, Sam," Diana spoke.

Sighing, Samantha finished her tea before setting the cup down and placing her hands in her lap.

Looking up at the raven-haired girl, Samantha replied, "He'll understand. He has to. He trusts me...doesn't he?"

"I hope," Diana answered. "The only thing we could do is wait and see."


The next day at school, Billy waited for Samantha outside with his friends beside him. As the two girls [Clara and Samantha] walked up to meet him, he kissed Samantha's forehead and smiled, "Hey there, dollface."

"Hi, Billy," Samantha tried to hide the annoyance in her voice as she flashed him a fake smile. "Why did you kiss me?"

"Is it wrong to kiss the girl I like?" Billy questioned.

"No, but..." Samantha trailed off, looking into his hazel eyes.

"Do you..." Billy spoke, his gaze softening slightly. "Do you not like me? Because if you don't, this is obviously a mistake."

Her mind raced, and all she wanted to say was,

I don't like you.

I don't like you.

I don't like you.

But all that came out was, "...I really like you."

Looking down at the girl, Billy was slightly shocked, yet he kept his cool. Smirking, Billy gushed, "I thought so."

Tucking a stray piece of hair behind her ear, Samantha winced, "I should um...I'm gonna go inside."

Grabbing Clara's arm, Samantha stomped inside the schoolhouse, bringing Clara so an empty room. Breathing heavily, Samantha rubbed her hands over her eyes.

"Oh my goodness," Clara spoke, her features softening. "Samantha, are you alright?"

"Yes," Samantha lied, her heavy breaths calming her down. "Yes, I just..."

Looking in Clara's eyes, Samantha wanted to tell the truth more than anything. She wanted to tell her that she hadn't liked Billy. She wanted to say that she was in love with Gilbert. But she couldn't come to face the words.

Clara was the only person Samantha was sure would understand. But, Samantha's mind formed an illusion that if she told anyone about her and Gilbert, everyone would hate her again.

Let alone, if she broke up with Billy and didn't tell anyone about Gilbert, they would still hate her for breaking his heart.

Samantha Darling has put herself in a position to which she could not win.

There was one thing she knew for certain. She had absolutely no feelings for Billy Andrews. But, Will Gilbert figure that out when he gets back? Will he believe that she was trying to do the right thing?


"Alright, take a seat, everyone!" Mr. Phillips called as the remaining students shuffled into the classroom. Shifting his gaze, he noticed Cole sitting with the girls — playing with Anne Shirley's hair.

Clenching his jaw, Mr. Phillips barked, "Cole Mackenzie!"

This caused Samantha's eyes to shoot up from her book — fixating her eyes on the blonde boy seating just a few rows in front of her.

"Since you seem to have such...feminine proclivities, we should indulge you on your taste of it this morning," Mr. Phillips spoke, giggles flooding around the room.

Mr. Phillips lifted an eyebrow as he finished, "You can sit with the girls."

The room erupted with gasps and laughter from multiple students. Sitting up and furrowing her eyebrows, Samantha glanced over at Clara, who was giving her brother a look of sorrow.

"What?" Billy exclaimed in amusement, laughing as he watched Cole gather his things.

The boys couldn't help but laugh as Cole took a seat next to a girl — miserably tilting his head down.

Furrowing her eyebrows, Samantha turned to the opposite side of the classroom and whispered, "Billy!"

Tilting his head towards the girl with a grin on his face, Billy spoke, "Yeah?"

"Stop," Samantha spoke.

At first, she thought Billy Andrews would never listen to her. But, as his face fell from a smile to a serious expression, Samantha was shocked.

"Alright, class," Mr. Phillips spoke, turning to face the group of students. "Turn your readers to page fifteen."

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