Part 3

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( 3rd POV. )

That evening on their way back Kirishima and Bakugou were both just thinking quietly while listening to the car radio playing some soft music in the background.

"Uh hey Katsuki" Kirishima decided to spoke up. "Hm?" "About that conversation we had earlier... Do you, uhm do-" Kirishima  was interupted by Bakugou who already knew what he was going to ask "I want a baby!"

They both blushed because of Bakugou's forwardness. Kirishima parked the car at the side of the road so they can talk more safely and eye to eye.

"Yeah...I kind of tought you do" kirishima lets out a small giggle.
Bakugou didn't say anything part because he didn't know what exacly he shoud say and part because he was, he was- god dammit, he was scared.
Bakugou was rarely scared, he was a pro hero, a grown man and he was married to the "manliest" hero there could be, but somehow, the fear of Kirishima not feeling the same about the idea of a baby and what that would mean for their relationship, scared him more than he would like to admit. Ofcourse he would give up his wish to have a child for Kirishima but the problem is that Kirishima is way to good of a husband and a man to let him do that.

His toughts were interupted by Kirishima saying- "I'd love to have a baby with you"

For Bakugou it feels as if a huge bolder had been lifted from his chest. But he's not quite free of his worries yet. It's not so easy for them to get a child. Sometimes he's jealous of Icy-Hot or stupid Deku and Round Face; they can just make a baby and not get into all the shit with adoption paperwork or finding a surrogate mother or hell even the stupid media, that was granted, much more accepting now that ever before, but they would still end up on every fucking magazin cover and news portal and they don't need that kind of attention on their personal life.

Kirishima noticed that Bakugou was being quieter than usual and knew that there was something he was worried about.
"I'm kinda worried too ya' know" he said.

"Tsk I'm not worried" Bakugou tried to sound harsh but Kirishima just tought it came out kind of tsundere-like and cute.

"It's okay to admit it Katsuki. Anyway, if you want to we can start looking into our options tomorow..."

"Alright" Bakugou answered simply.


It's thursday, 7:08 P.M. and Kirishima just came home from an afternoon patrol. He and Bakugou had spent all of the free time they had this week in researching adoption and searching for a surrogate mother. They haven't made too much progress but they are a lot more informed on the subjects.

"Baabe, I'm hoome!" Bakugou had a morning shift today so he was already home cooking dinner. Kirishima came into the kitchen and kissed him "How s' your day been?" "Good I guess"

Kirishima's phone rings. "Hellou"
"Hi Kirishima, it's Todoroki." "What does half-and-half want?" Bakugou asked and accentuated one of the nicknames he gave Todoroki back at UA. Kirishima put his pointing finger over his mouth to shush him.

"What is it Todoroki?"
"I wanted to talk to you and Bakugou about something"
"Oh here I'l put you on speaker"
"So what is it icy?"
"I heard you guys were looking to get a baby."
"Where'd you heard that" Bakugou was curious.
"Momo" Todoroki simply said.
"Where'd she hear it?"
"From Ochako and she heard it from Kyoka if I'm not mistaken"
"I told Kami and Kyoka..sorry" Kirishima said smiling and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Anyway... I think I know someone who can help you with that"
"What?" "Who?"
"I have an idea that's kinda hard to explain over the phone. Could you just come by my office tomorrow  around 9 A.M.?" Since Endeavor retired and Todoroki and Momo got married they took over his hero agency.
"I have work at the afternoon again, and you do too Katsuki so we'll be there."
"See ya tomorrow then, goodbye."

AN not as long as I'd like it to be but hey it's a chapter and I rly wanted to post it soon so hope yall enjoy xo

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