The Observer x Reader

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If you don't know who he is, either watch TribeTwelve, or just look him up.

It had been a long time since all the proxies were in the same room. They were all catching up with each other, occassionally stopping to include you in their conversations, since you were new. The only one who seemed doubtful and hostile was the Observer. The others noticed this.

"Hey, (Y/N), can you help me with my stuff?" said Tim, or Masky, as he preferred. You got up, following to his room. Tim was going to Germany for the next few months, so he packed a ton of his items for the trip. "You know what? Observer, can you help us, too?"

He slowly got up, avoiding eye contact with you. As you finished loading his stuff in the car, you realized Tim left you and Observer together. You silently cursed him. "I guess we're done," you tried to start a lighthearted conversation, "I'm sure gonna miss Tim."

The Observer grumbled in agreement. But, after a moment of silence, he said, "do you even know anything about him? How can you miss someone you don't even know?" I took a step back.

"Well, I know enough about him to know I will miss him. He was the first to introduce me to everyone, and he is always inclusive." You looked at the ground.

"Oh please. He is a ruthless killer. Aggressive and intimidating; he isn't someone that you would want to meet under any circumstance," he scoffed, crossing his arms.

You began to get angry. Every time you say anything, the Observer has to put you down. Just because you're new, and he is the leader. You took a step forward, now inches from his face. "I know Tim, and you don't get to tell me how to feel about him. Every time I say something, you have to retaliate with your stupid, unwanted opinion. Every. Time. No matter how hard I try to be worth something to you, you just push me away," you hissed at him. Observer was taken aback by your sudden defensiveness.

Without another word, he stomped off, seething.


By that time, Tim had left. You sat on the couch with the remaining proxies, watching Criminal Minds, making comments everytime a criminal or victim made a stupid mistake. "(Y/N)." All turned to see the Observer standing behind the couch. You reluctantly get up, anxiously following your leader into the other room. Once out of earshot, he turned back to you. "I'm sorry. For everything, or whatever." To your surprise, he began to look more like Kevin than usual. He made his way to the door, stopping just before passing you. With a kiss on your cheek, he left the room.

"Does he... like me?"

I hope this wasn't too lame for you. I don't plan on making any juicy, juicy lemons cause I'm kind of young for that.... but I hope that doesn't make this boring.

Stay vibin'


Creepypasta One-Shots! *x Readers*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora