20 December 2017 | later that night

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It was nearly 18:00, and to say Joshua was sweating would be an understatement. Thomas was standing next to the boy using blotting wipes to clear the visible sweat that was resting on Joshua's face. The older man wanted to tease his friend about his problem, but he didn't want him to feel even more self-conscious as he knew this could possibly be a turning point in Joshua's life.

"Josh, you'll be fine. The night will go fine," Thomas tried to boost Joshua's confidence.

The younger Bayern player had tried on six different dress shirts and four pairs of pants, needing to find the perfect outfit to wear on his 'date that wasn't really a date' with Evie. He finally settled on black dress pants with a crisp white button down, and a black blazer over the top. Thomas had suggested the outfit when they first entered the room, but Joshua insisted on putting on countless other combinations in front of his; Thomas didn't dare to say anything about it though because he could already see that Joshua's nerves were eating him alive.

"It can't go fine, Thomas. I need the night to go flawlessly," The right-back groaned into his hands. "This night could change everything for me Tom. I'm scared."

"Jo," Thomas sat him down on the bed. "Anyone with eyes—besides you of course because you're somehow blind to the factcan see that Eva is in love with you. She's not going to run away just because you spill water on her dress or if you say something dumb. Eva's always been with you Josh, and she'll be there in the future. What she is to you in the future though? Well that—," He paused, patting Joshua on the back, "Is up to you my friend."

The Bayern boy sighed, checking the clock on the bedside table. "It's time, Tom."

Joshua dusted himself off, wanting to ensure he didn't have any unwanted fuzz on his dress clothes. "Here," Thomas handed him a pack of spearmint gum and a tin of breath mints, "I hope you need these. Go get your girl tonight, little one. Make sure you have good manners though! Lisa and I won't stay up when you get home in case you two want to get down and dirty," He said with a wink.

"You are literally such a dad, Thomas," Joshua rolled his eyes, making his way down the stairs. And when he made it to the bottom of the staircase, Joshua swore the woman in front of him took his breath away.

Evangeline was wearing a black sheer mini dress, and although it was short, she looked elegant in it. Her angelic blonde hair was flowing down her back, and she welcomed Joshua with a warm smile and a kiss to his cheek. It was something she had done to him plenty of times throughout their lives, although tonight was the first time Joshua had blushed from the action.

"You look lovely, Evie," Joshua told her, which caused Evangeline to practically swoon. She knew tonight was just another normal dinner between two friends, but she couldn't help and pretend that it was something more.

"You don't look half bad yourself, Jo. Did you even—" She lifted up the back of his ear, "Clean behind your ears? Wow, that's a first!" She teased, to which Joshua shoved her gently by the shoulder, but held onto her wrist so she would've stray from him. All while Thomas and Lisa cooed, watching on like two proud parents watching their child go out on their first date.

"Mom, dad," Joshua whined, "You're embarrassing us!"

"Sorry, sorry!" They held their hands in the air, "You better get going though or you'll be late for your reservation!"

Joshua extended his arm to Eva which she took graciously. He opened the passenger door of the Jeep he was renting with a smile to which Evangeline reciprocated effortlessly. The German international exhaled deeply before sliding into the driver's seat. Joshua handed Evangeline his phone and she scrolled through her music options.

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