It's okay to cry - ??? x Reader

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OKAY SO, remember my Sharrkan x reader (Replacement) ? This is a part 2 !

Enjoy ! :D

(Y/n) couldn't stay in the palace after what happened with Sharrkan, staying here broke her heart more than it already was. She was just a guest anyways, so it was not a problem for her to leave... But she didn't have a home to go. Sinbad saw her disarray and talked to her, he wanted to cheer her up and surprisingly, he wasn't flirty for a bit. Well, considering the thing she got through, he couldn't just play with her feelings and broken heart. He was known to be the lady killer of the seven seas, but he wasn't a complete jerk... And she was a friend at that. While talking to her, the young woman told him that she was looking for a house in town, for the palace made her melancholic.

"I understand..." he said, sounding sad that she planned on leaving. "Aaah.. Ja'far will be devastated !" he joked, seeing how Ja'far were always overworking because of his stupid lazy king, she started to help him. Worried about his health. (She never saw him sleep !)
"Well... If you do your paper works he would be okay... For god's sake, just help him Sin !" She laughed back and they continued talking and joking for a while. It felt great to laugh like that and it was kind of surprising to see the king behave like that, not even once had he said something flirtatious. Not like she complained though, it was reassuring to see that he tried to stop this part of him to prevent from hurting her more than she already was. She felt honoured, it proved her that the king really considered her as more than just a guest : she was a friend.

It was stupid of her to think like that. She knew he considered her as a friend since long ago... But because of what happened with Sharrkan, she started doubting every relationship she had with everyone she knew... Because of this same story, her self-confidence crumbled down lower than the floor of the Dark Continent.

"By the way, did you find an interesting house ?" Sinbad asked.
"Mmh... Yes, there is one that I really like..."
"You seem to hesitate." He pointed out, tilting his head to the side.
"The fact is..." She sighed defeatedly. "I don't have a job yet, so I can't pay for it..." (I don't know how it worked back then)
"Then, let me pay." He casually said, as if it was just some cheap clothes.
"We're talking about a house..." she replied rising an eyebrow at his offer.
"Yeah, and you're talking to the king." He chuckled.

He could afford it for her. Being the king of this country, it wasn't a problem. However, being as stubborn as ever she tried to argue, telling him that she couldn't accept it.
Without a surprise, he won the fight. 


Half a year has passed since (Y/n) moved to the comfy house Sinbad offered to her, and she even found a job at the orphanage near her house. She took care of the children who had no parents, telling them stories, singing, dancing or playing with them...

The generals and the king often came to see her, whenever they could, but one of them never came to her house. Sharrkan knew that she didn't want to see him yet and he respected that, even though he missed her. He couldn't blame her, it was him who messed up.

Masrur was the only one to come every day (when he was not traveling for diplomatic matters with the king), being worried for her health as she had sleeping and eating troubles after her break up with the swordsman. The fanalis was on his way to the young woman's house, when he saw her in the market, struggling with what looked like a really heavy box and a few bags. He smiled lightly, walking to her as she sighed desperately trying to carry her things, and failing miserably. She hadn't seen him coming, until she noticed the box she was trying so desperately to move miraculously lose weight. She let out a little yelp of surprise, and noticed the hands with golden bracelet on her box.

The (h/c) gasped seeing the tall fanalis. "Masrur ! Y-You don't have to... I can handle it..." She said the last part in a lower tone, as if she wasn't even sure about that.

"No you can't." he simply said and smiled lightly as he saw her pouting like a child.
"Yeah, you're right..." she admitted. "Well then, thank you for your help ! I didn't know you were back."
"We arrived yesterday."
"Oh." Was all she could say. Usually he would come during the afternoon, either at her home or at the orphanage (she told him it was okay, and the child even though afraid at first, began to like him).

"Soo.. Do you have plans for the day ? Or do you plan on napping somewhere in the forest ?" she asked him in a joking manner.
"Not really. Do you mind if I stay with you ?"
"Sure, if you don't mind helping me at my job !"
"I think I can handle it."
"Yeah, the children seem to like you. Some of them always ask me about you EVERY-DAY ! I'm almost jealous !" She yelled, pretending to be offended.
"You don't have to. They cherish you a lot and you're perfect for this job." As usual, he didn't catch the humour in her manner. It was kind of cute how he took everything seriously.
"Thank you Masrur." She smiled softly.

Once at her home, (y/n) told Masrur to put the boxes on the table, in the kitchen as she started putting her shopping away. They were silent for the most part and Masrur, who was sitting on a chair, took his time to observe the woman he was with. He came to see her as much as he can, but being one of the eight generals he was rather busy and he couldn't see her these past four months since he had to follow his king for diplomatic matters.

Surprisingly, Masrur was the one who broke the silence that had fallen.

"(Y/n)" he called her. "Do you eat well ?"

She stopped her action, surprised by his sudden question before she kept on doing her task. "Of course !" she told him joyfully. Lie. It was a lie and he knew it.

"You're lying."

"I'm not." She replied hesitantly, with a low voice, not believing in her own lie. Small tears fell from her eyes as she remembered her time in the palace, when she thought she had found someone who would love her. Oh how wrong she was. Even after almost six months, she was thinking about him. She buried her face in her hands when she heard a creak coming from the chair Masrur was sitting on. In an instant, he was standing close to her, but she was still back to him, trying to hide her tears, he gently turned her, and embraced her. He didn't say a word, not even a "don't cry" and that alone was enough to calm her shallow breathing. Minutes passed and Masrur still held her close to him. He gave her a peck on her forehead, as an unspoken promise :

He will always be there for her. 


It's me again ! There is a part 3 and I already finish writing it, but you'll have to wait :3 

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