Haneul & Shownu clicking and clacking through their time in the office. Until it's time to go home, both of them report to their professor and left the office.

"Shownu ah, I'll get going first!"

"Ah Haneul ah wait, are you free now?"

"Um... no... Jaebum has been waiting for me from 12 PM till now... it's 5 PM.... So yeah I have to hurry to him... Sorry Shownu!" Haneul brisk to look for Jaebum leaving Shownu with his mouth open not able to say anything.

Shownu was abit upset by what had happened. Haneul wouldn't even go lunch with him. She's busy as always but somehow manage to spare time for Jaebum. Shownu joined her class on their second year, so Shownu wasn't close to anyone until Haneul started to converse with him and eventually become buddies in class.

Shownu walked away from the hallway of the office to go back home. *Bregggggh~* Shownu's empty stomach sounds

Ah... I am hungry... I should just stop by a food stand... I wonder where is Haneul & Jaebum heading to...

Shownu is curious and hungry. He couldn't handle himself. His face started to frown and his eyebrows shows it all.

Shownu walked out of the school with a frown on his face. Steps after steps, his heart started to pound heavier and heavier.

What is these butterflies in my stomach? Why do I feel so nervous out of nowhere?

"Oh, Shownu ya!" Haneul shouted from afar

Shownu's frown was quick to change into a smile and happily he turns over

"Oh, Haneul ah, what are you doing there?"

"I'm waiting for Jaebum to pick me up. You?"

"I'm walking home now..." Shownu walked towards Haneul.

"Eh? I thought you're walking home?" Haneul was confused to where Shownu was heading to

"I am home." Shownu smiled at Haneul sweetly but was quickly cut by the sound of motorbike.

Shownu turned to look at the wheels of a black carbon Kawasaki bike. Slurping his saliva into his throat he looked up and saw Jaebum opening the visor of his helmet and again giving Shownu a piercing stare.

"Didn't I told you not to disturb Haneul?"

"Jaebum ah he wasn't disturbing me! Stop being a babo (an idiot)!" Haneul pushes Jaebum's visor down to cover his gaze and quickly apologized to Shownu

"I'm so sorry Shownu ah. Jaebum is pretty rude to everyone. I'll see you in class tomorrow okay? Bye!!" Haneul put her helmet on and Jaebum rode off.

Shownu's wounds has been rubbed by Jaebum quite deeply. Seeing Haneul leaving as Jaebum's pillion on a very beautiful motorbike make Shownu hurt even more. He feels like he's got nothing compared to Jaebum.

Shownu continued his journey on looking for food to cheer himself up. Finally, he stepped his foot into the convenience store where Haneul worked as a part timer. While walking, he felt his heart pounding and feeling nervous again.

He felt a smooth touch on his forearm and quickly he turned, only to see a head with Helmet on.

"Boo!!" Haneul pushed her helmet visor up

"Oh, we meet again?!" Shownu smiled

"I'm here to pick up my bike" Haneul turned the ignition of her motorbike on and starting her bike

*bveummmgrrr bveummmgrrr* The sound of the motorbike accelerator filled the atmosphere.

"You own a bike ?!" Shownu's eyes widened

"Yeah!" Haneul said with full of excitement

"Haneul ah, let's go now." Jaebum cut the convo again

"See you at school tomorrow!" Haneul smiled at Shownu while accelerating and eventually the two-motorbike disappeared into the highways.

She's beautiful, cool and kind... But I still don't know if she really belongs to Jaebum... I'm so confused and hungry right now

Shownu's mind full of thoughts while he pours the hot water into his ramen and stir the excess with a chopstick.

Haneul & Jaebum both rode their own motorbike to a place the both of them always goes to. Before that the two made a pit stop at Starbucks to get their favorite drinks.

With the attention of many people, they knew eyes were on them as the both of them get off their bikes and taking off their helmets. Jaebum got the most attention because of his beautiful bike and handsome face after he took out his helmet. Haneul on the other hand were sort off struggling to take out her helmet cause her hair got stuck. Jaebum was looking at her all the way. He laughed and he blush from her cute actions.

"Hahaha!! You need help there??"

"Please help me jaebum ah" 

Jaebum facing Haneul, put his hands behind her head to untangle her hair. He could've done it from behind her which will be easier but he decided to do it from the front, causing them to stand so close together and the two heartbeats speaks to each other. It was an unbearable moment for Haneul as she's blushing in her helmet quite badly.

"Done" Jaebum moving his hands back and stand abit further from Haneul. Haneul just stood there and didn't want to take out her helmet.

"Let's go!" She walked first

"Are you not taking it off?"

"Ah... I'll just wear it"

"It's hot take it off" Jaebum Yanking her helmet off only to see super red ears and cheeks "Why are you so red"

"Ah... it's hot..." Haneul avoided eye contact with Jaebum

Jaebum carries her helmet for her then the two went into Starbucks. Haneul hid behind Jaebum not wanting him to see her red face.

"Ya why are you walking behind me." 

"Just walk in first." Haneul gasps


Haneul became even more nervous under the shop lights as it is brighter than the sky outside causing her blushing red face to be more obvious and visible for Jaebum. Haneul panicked but didn't have a choice.

"Wow, you became so red. Are you having fever?" Jaebum put his palms on Haneul's forehead to measure if she is having fever. But Haneul blushes till her nose turns red instead.

"Jaebum ah i'm fine." Haneul pushes his hands off her head while Jaebum just acted normally and ordered off the Starbucks menu.

The two got their orders and went back on the road to their destination.

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