Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"It was an argument... I said some things too." Olive admitted, "But in my defense I wasn't personally attacking him."

"Olive, you may be talented when putting pen to paper, but when it comes to actually speaking to people, you lack tremendously. What did you say?" Nat asked.

"I may have said that pranking people was a form of bullying and they shouldn't be doing it anymore." Olive cringed, holding up her head with the hands on her forehead.

"I mean, you aren't completely wrong." Cho noted, "Not everything they do is funny."

"What did he say?" Nat asked, "Because Ollie, dear, I do hope for his sake it wasn't anything bad."

Olive told them the extent of what George said, her words slow and stammering as her cheeks tinged pink from embarrassment. She was angry and sad at the same time, not sure how to go on with the situation. Ollie wasn't good at confrontation at all- especially with people who have previously insulted her.

Cho and Nat stared at her with raised brows, both looking highly annoyed with the particular redhead in question.

"That bitch-"

"Nat, before you say some nasty things, stop right there." Cho cut the blonde off, "Did George seriously say that?"

"Yeah, I just told you." Ollie shrugged.

"You didn't hex him? Or claw his eyes out?" Nat asked, "Because I totally would have."

Olive chuckled, "Yeah, I know..." she pushed around the food on her plate, thinking, "I just... I couldn't do anything. I was just shocked, you know, I thought he was my friend."

"Do you need us to do anything for you? Hex him? Tell him off? Poison him?" Natalie asked with a mischievous smirk on his face, "He messed with the wrong Ravenclaws."

"No, don't do any of that." Olive laughed, "As much as I think it would show him what he did was wrong... I'm not sure it would be the right thing to do."

"Then what do you think is the right thing to do? Because if I learned one thing from muggle public school-"

"Nat-" Cho sent the older girl a look.

"If he wants to say something to me, then it better be an apology." Olive huffed, "And only if he really means it."

For some unknown reason, the students had to abide by a curfew tonight. They couldn't leave their dormitories past six, and anyone caught outside would lose house points and get detention. Although there was only just a handful of days left of the term, Olive was quite surprised the teachers didn't want them to go and enjoy the nicer weather.

However much Olive liked to follow the rules, this night was an exception. She was getting ready to sneak out- heading in the opposite direction of her fellow Ravenclaws after supper. She had ten minutes to hide and sneak out.

Sirius needed help with this, because she was sure he couldn't do it alone.

Tying her dark raven locks into a ponytail, Olive turned the corner, heading determinedly towards the courtyard. She could easily sneak out there as the cat, because a lot of the school's cats could hang around basically wherever they wanted.


The girl stopped in her tracks, letting out a frustrated sigh as she turned. She didn't have time for this! Sirius needed help! She saw him sneaking around the grounds, hanging in the shadows to wherever Ron, Harry, and Hermione were sneaking off to.

"George, I don't have time." She said sternly, arms folded across her chest, "I have somewhere I need to be."

"Where do you need to be? We have curfew." He furrowed his brows.

"It's none of you business, Weasley." She went to turn around, but felt George's hand quickly grab onto her arm.

"Can we talk? Please?" He begged, looking at her with desperate eyes. Olive almost said yes- but her gaze caught Sirius by the tree line, stalking around in his animagus form.

"No." She pulled away, her cobalt stare glaring at him, "You've said enough to me already."

With that, she turned away, heading quickly around the corner and to be courtyard. She wondered if George was going to apologize to her, which he probably was. However, Olive has more important matters. She'd have to talk to George in the morning.

Ducking behind a bush, Olive quickly transformed into the cat, scampering quickly to the tree line of the forest. Her paws bounced swiftly off the early summer grass, darting around rocks and trees as she came closer and closer to the Forbidden Forest.

She wondered if Sirius had gotten the help of Professor Lupin. If they wanted to catch an actual mass murderer, someone who was well equipped in Defense Against the Dark Arts would come in handy.

Easy enough, she caught up with Sirius, who was hiding behind a tree as he stared off at where the Gryffindor Trio was heading. Hermione had just sucker punched Malfoy in the face, walking off towards Hagrid's Hut in the distance.

Olive gave a curt meow as a hello, scaring Sirius from his spot. He turned around, giving a short growl as if to yell at the girl. He nudged her deeper into the woods, where the two of them could safely turn back into their normal selves.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Sirius snapped, "You can't be here! You'll get into trouble."

"I want to help." Olive said, "I want to make sure you're proven innocent."

"Peter is dangerous." Sirius cautioned, "He was working for You Know Who."

"I know." Olive pipped, "When I was studying for my OWL's I brushed up on a few animagus charms."

"You did?" Sirius quirked a brow.

"We can keep him in his animagus form until we get to Dumbledore and the Minister, and then change him back." She explained, "I brought this to keep him in."

Out from her small bag, she pulled out a small jar that glowed with a faint enchantment. Sirius looked at the jar with a small smirk.

"Thank you, Olive." He patted the girl's head, "Now I think it's best for you to head inside-"

"I'm not going anywhere." She insisted, "You can't do this alone. I know when you see him you'll want to hurt him, but we have to keep him alive."

Sirius ran a hand over his face, "Alright. Go to the Womping Willow. You're small enough to sneak past the branches. There's an opening in the trunk. Follow the path all the way through."

"Where am I going?" She asked, transforming back into her cat form.

"The Shrieking Shack."

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