Chapter Twenty Six

Depuis le début

But that didn't mean she hadn't ruined him. No, the string of girls after her was proof of that. The lack of a steady relationship was also evidence, which he now seemed to realize himself.

Genevieve listened to the whole thing before smiling.

"What?" he narrowed his eyes at her suspicious expression.

"An yet you're so hostile to me. If you truly feel nothing, you wouldn't be so rude right now. And don't think I don't know about your flings and that you had multiple girls living in your castle at once," she said, her eyebrows raised in a condescending way.

"Just because I'm not in love with you anymore, it doesn't mean that I can still be mad that you hurt me. Maybe I can truly forgive you in time but right now, all I'm reminded is how you hurt me in the past," Kaiden argued.

Genevieve stayed quiet for a minute. Maybe she seemed to realize that she wasn't wanted.

"You know, I don't love him anymore. And you don't seem to realize that he left me as well. You were the only one who treated me well," she said quietly, referring to Sebastian.

"So you're crawling back to me, after what? Four years?" he muttered harshly. "First, that would make me a rebound. Second, it's too late for me to take you back. So please, leave."

"I loved you too," she said. Kaiden rolled his eyes.

"Sure, that's why you slept with my brother," he remarked sarcastically. "Besides, you told me yourself that you didn't love me back."

Genevieve walked closer, making him take a step back, into the wall. But she didn't pause. She stood right in front of him, looking him in the eye.

"I know I said that. But I realized my feelings for you too late. Right after Sebastian left again," she stated.

Kaiden was surprised by the way she kept insisting. He was going to tell her to give up when she moved even closer to him, pressing her body against his and placing her hand on his chest.

He stiffened, wondering what she was trying to do. "Genevieve," he said, his voice a warning.

"You still love me," she said and then tip toed to kiss his mouth.

Kaiden stayed still, not responding to the kiss. He never thought that they would ever kiss again.

He also never thought that he would be thinking of someone else while it happened.

When Genevieve kissed him, all he thought about was Annabelle and how different they were from each other. Although they were both stubborn, Annabelle's was the kind that motivated people to try their hardest, to be their best. Genevieve's broke people down.

His feelings for Genevieve were basically non-existent, like he claimed earlier. The way her kiss didn't affect him anymore proved it, giving him a sense of relief. It was nothing like the way Annabelle made him feel: powerful and weak, passionate and gentle, loved and cared for.

And he loved her in a way he had never loved Genevieve.

Although he fell heavily for each girl, Annabelle made him feel complete. And she accepted him completely, even with Kai's original terror and the way Kaiden himself could be cruel.

He was completely in love with Annabelle.

Who was not the woman his lips were touching at this moment.

Genevieve pressed against him harder, probably hoping for him to respond, or at least give a reaction.

He was just about to push her away when he heard a sob.

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