5: You Were Right

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 Korrae had lied to herself. It had been two weeks since she had seen Ashton. It had also been two weeks since the last time she heard from him. He had sent her a text that night after he had shown up to her store earlier in the day that had simply said, Okay.

It had been strange to her because she hadn't sent him anything, but she now knew that it was him giving her what she wanted. Or at least what she had thought she wanted. He was cutting communication with her and leaving her alone.

If she was being honest with herself, and really she was the only person she could be candid with, she hadn't thought he would just leave her alone so quickly. She figured he would at least try a little harder. He didn't strike her as the type of man to just bow down and back away so easily, but maybe, just maybe, she had been a little too standoffish.

Groaning, she leaned her head back against her couch. She was waiting on Brian to come pick her up. It was Sunday and the boutique was closed. Somehow, she had let him talk her into going to the gym with him. Simply so she would be his wing woman. The man had essentially stalked someone to the gym and learned their workout schedule.

Her own love life had become so boring that she was willing to help her best friend stalk a guy and at the gym of all places.

Don't get her wrong. It wasn't that she didn't like exercising or being fit. She enjoyed her morning yoga. However, she was not a big fan of the gym. There were just too many sweaty bodies. On top of the fact that a percentage of the patrons were only there to scope out other people.

Though she supposed today she couldn't talk. Considering that's what she was going with Brian to do. Even if he was the one that was going to be doing the scoping. She was still guilty by association.

The sound of a horn honking drew her attention and she knew that it was Brian. His ass never came to her door unless he was coming over to raid her refrigerator or to borrow something of hers that he never gave back.

Getting up, she grabbed her purse and the bottle of water she had taken out when he text and told her he was on his way. She locked her door behind her before walking down her walkway and getting into the passenger side of his car.

"Bitch, look at you. Booty sitting up right in those pants like you trying to catch a dick between them cheeks." Brian stated before pulling off.

Korrae shook her head. "That's all you."

The entire drive to the gym, she listened to him tell her, yet again, about the man he was stalking. Though he hadn't actually used that word. The way Brian spoke this man hung the damn moon, but he had never even talked to him. She worried about her friend.

Getting out of the car when they parked, she led the way into the building. It was nice inside and Brian had assured her that they didn't need memberships to enter. They could pay five dollars and work out as much as they wanted to. His information couldn't always be trusted, but it seemed as if he knew what he was talking about this time.

After paying, Korrae allowed him to lead her over to the treadmills. She was alright with that. It was probably where she was going to spend most of her time anyway.

It didn't take them long once they got there for her to realize that he had picked this particular spot for a reason. He was looking around and she figured he was looking for the man who had his nose wide open, before they had even had a single conversation.

Starting her treadmill, she began to walk as her friend stood on his, looking out of place. Deciding, that it wouldn't be the first time he looked that way, she began looking around the gym as well as she unraveled her headphones.

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