Day Six//Chapter Six

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Bow to our yeetus Lord Helix, Omanyte, and our meme fish Lord, Magikarp. Also, is it bad that I headcanon May as the lazy gamer couch potato type of girl, Dawn as your average cliche popular schoolgirl, Kalem as a depressed emo, and Drew as an arrogant jerk?

"I don't ever want to go back to school. Ever." May groans.

Iris sighs. "May, we have to go school. It's required by state law."

"I. Don't. Care!" May crosses her arms and pouts immaturely.

"Stop being so childish, May. Jeez, your such a kid...." Iris shakes her head, disappointed.

"Ooh~! What are you guys talking aboouttt???" Dawn sat down on the bench we were standing in front of, and crossed her legs. Her hands were on her lap and her eyes were patiently watching us, waiting for us.

I sigh. "Dawn, if you think we're gossiping, hate ta break it to you, but we're not."

A frown appears on her face, but it is quickly replaced by a smile and a shrug. "That's... fine. That's okay, I'm fine with that!" But her eyes and the way she forces her smile says otherwise. I swear, all Dawn ever really cares for is drama and gossip...

"Ooh~! Here's something I heard Duplica Imite talking about Christian Davey, the kid in Drew's Chesmistry Class, and that he-"

"No offense, Dawn, but we don't really care." Iris says. Ouch.

"You don't...?" Dawn sighs, probably bored. "Well, at least I still have drama..."

"Hey, speaking of Drama, how's the play coming along?" I ask.

Dawn sits straight up, as if my words revived her from her boredom. "Well, we are all almost done memorizing our lines, and the backstage people are already done making the set, so by the time the day for the play arrives, we'll all be ready!"

"That's great, Dawn." She had been telling us the same thing for a while now, so it seems everything is going well.

"This is boring." We all groaned as soon as May had said that. "I'm soo bored... Can we do something else? School is just about done for the week already..." She fell backwards onto the bench and slouched lazily.

"You all are such kids." Iris says.

"You're a kid too, Iris." May teases.

"No, I'm not!"

"You're younger than all three of us." I point out.

Iris pouts. "That doesn't make me a kid."

"Sure, sureee."

Footsteps and heavy breathing could be heard to the left of us (please take this already) as a voice called out, "Hey, what are you guys still doing here!?"

"Hm? Oh, we're just waiting for Leaf." Dawn says with a smile.

It was Mallow  from Dawn's Drama Club. She has been in the club for a long time, and is the club representative. "Oh, I just saw Leaf, though. She was walking down the hallway with Gary." Mallow tapped her finger against her chin with a thoughtful smile.

"What!? You mean she ditched us!?" Iris shouted, crossing her arms, a huge frown spreading across her face.

"Yeah, I think she might have." Mallow shrugged. "Well, I gotta go, so sorry!" She waves bye to us before running off.

"We have to do something about Leaf when we see her on Monday..." I say, and the others nod in agreement. She couldn't just ditch us like that.

My phone suddenly went bing! and a message showed on my lockscreen:

One Unseen Message from: Serena
Hey, you remember our plans, right? Don't forget about them! Also, is it gonna be a friendly meeting or an actual date? Because I think I'd much prefer the latter! :D

Why was Serena messaging me? And what's this about plans and a date? I unlocked my phone and started typing back until May called for me.

"Hey, Misty, you coming?"

I wave my hand dismissively. "Ah, I'll catch up. I just need to do something really quick."

"Alrighty then!" She and the other girls slowly walked away.

By the time I had finished typing out my response, the girls were already by the door entering the school. We were in the courtyard, which was in the middle of the school.

Why are you texting me, Serena? What is this, some kind of joke?

I ran to catch up with them. "Sorry, guys."

"Eh, it's fine." Dawn shrugs.

I glance down at my phone to see that Serena had read my message, and was typing back.

Huh? This isn't Ash? That's strange. I must have typed the wrong number. Who is this?

She was trying to text Ash? Is she for reals? This has to be some kind of joke, because she told me she'd back off from Ash until the week was- Dammit! Tomorrow was the last day!

Serena, you can't be serious, can you? You said you'd back off...

We were exiting the schoolgrounds, getting closer to the gates.

Yeah, I was just playing with you. I knew it was your number, you're in my contacts list :p

I was just so ticked off... I can't believe she actually just did that to me. Then again, I guess it is kinda believable since until the week reaches its end, we'd be sworn enemies.

It's too bad you figured it out too early on. Aw man, I really wanted to toy with your feelings and tear your heart out of your chest... Just kidding! If I did that, you'd be dead and I'd be in jail.

This girl seriously needs to know when to stop talking. And by the way she's been acting towards me, I honestly wouldn't even be surprised if it ending up not being just some dumb joke of hers. Ugh, I had more important things to worry about than her stupid tricks...


The day had far already reached its end, and I felt... empty. What if I really can't make it before the time is up? Sure, there is a small chance Ash will still want to be friends with me, but seeing him with her...

To be honest, up until now I never really considered her a threat or an enemy. In fact, I sorta liked to think of her as a friend, or at least a friend of a friend. It would be like double jeopardy, but the jeopardy would be replaced by double betrayal.

I'm sure she would have felt just like me if she had Ash taken away from her, but still...

I sighed, turning in my bed. I had been tossing and turning like this for just about the whole night, unable to find the comfort of my bed and the peace of rest.

But I needed to get some rest. I closed my eyes.

Finally done with this chapter. Actually started on it yesterday, and finished it today. I finished some fanart of Mallow, Dawn, and Misty, which is in the media. I know the drawings may seem a bit crappy, but I was sorta in a rush to finish this chapter! Hope you enjoyed.

Also, what song did you last listen to? Right now I'm listening to The Lost Get Found.

Seven Days to Confess My Love For You ( SatoKasu/PokèShipping/AAML )Where stories live. Discover now