Chapter 8 (Damon's P.O.V)

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The sky above me was dull and gray as I sat down on the balcony rail watching Aurora, who was sitting under a large willow tree writing in her journal. She stopped writing to occasionally brush her long hair out of her face and fix her black dress that Jessica had given her. The dress looked amazing on her. It was long and lacy with a deep "V" in the center that showed off a great deal of her breasts and it hugged her body perfectly. However, she didn't put the dress on willingly. Jessica had to hide her "usual" clothes just to get her to put the dress on. It was an amusing sight.
I couldn't help but feel guilty as I watched her. She hadn't said a word to me since she confessed that she had feelings for me last night. I didn't mean to not say anything, but the truth was that it caught me off guard. I didn't know what to say.
"She's still out there, huh?" Jessica's voice made me turn around.
She was wearing a blood red dress that stopped at her thighs, red boots, bright red lipstick, and red jewelry. Her hair was done up in a huge bun that had several strands hanging in her face.
"Yeah," I answered. "She hasn't spoken a word to me since last night."
"Well, can you blame her?" she asked. "You basically ignored her when she told you that she had feelings for you."
I sighed heavily before saying, "I didn't mean to not say anything, Jessica. It's just that, I don't want to bring her into this world. Do you know what I mean?"
She stared at me for a moment before saying, "No, I don't know what you mean. You've already brought her into this world, Damon."
"She can't have feelings for me, Jessica. It's not right. She doesn't belong in a world of vampires!" I snapped. "If something was to happen to her, I wouldn't know what to do!"
"Well," she began. "You can't send her away. Not with Uriel out looking for her. Whether you like it or not, she's already a part of your world. You are the only one she trusts."
"No I'm not. She trusts you," I argued.
"You're so blind. Yeah, she hangs out with me, but the only vampire she trusts in this house is you. Not me, not Tiffany, not Laura, not Lance, not Rayne, and not Renwick. You!" she turned around to look at Aurora who was now staring at something on the ground before saying, "Do you have feelings for her?"
The question caught me off guard and I choked on my saliva.
Did I have feelings for her? I mean if something was to happen to her I would no doubt lose my mind. I'd risk my life for her without hesitation.
"Well, do you, or don't you?"
I sighed before saying, "I care about her."
"Well, you should let her know that," she said before disappearing into the house.
The sound of footsteps made me turn around to see Aurora walking up to the porch. She had her journal pressed against her chest and her head down. I grabbed her arm as she walked by me and she stopped walking, but didn't look up at me.
"Aurora, we need to talk," I said calmly.
It wasn't the coldness in her eyes that made me freeze, but the venom in her voice. "What is there to talk about, Damon? You didn't want to talk to me last night when I confessed my feelings to you! Why do you want to talk now?"
"Aurora, listen to me. I didn't mean to not say anything," I began. "It's just that when you told me, it caught me off guard. I care about you, Aurora. So much that if something was to happen to you, I wouldn't know what to do. I will risk my life for you without hesitation, so don't you ever think that I don't care about you."
Her face softened, but her voice remained icy as she said, "What makes you think I believe that?"
I sighed heavily before grabbing her and pulling her against my chest before saying, "Aurora, you trust me. In fact, I am the only one in this whole entire house that you trust. I would never lie to you."
She pushed me away and opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, rain poured from the sky. She let out a surprised gasp before running inside of the house. I followed her inside and closed the door.
"I can't believe it's raining again," Tiffany grumbled.
I turned to look at her to see that she was curled up on the sofa with a black blanket wrapped around her.
"Me neither," Jessica said. "I swear it rains every other day."
Aurora nudged me and I looked down at her.
Can we talk upstairs?
I nodded and followed her upstairs to the bedroom. Once inside, she shut the door and walked over to the window. I could tell that something was bothering her, but I wasn't sure what it was.
"Damon," she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. "Who gave you the vervain?"
I stared at her for a long moment before saying, "I don't know, honestly. I don't remember much of anything that happened that night. All I know is that one minute I was lying in bed with you sleeping and the next, someone was standing over me with a syringe in my arm. When they realized that I was awake, they fled and that's when I felt the overwhelming urge to throw up."
She turned to face me with a look of concern on her face before saying, "Do you think it was Uriel?"
I shook my head. "No, it wasn't a male. It was a female."
"A female? Can you remember any of her features?" she asked.
I bit my lip. I could remember her features perfectly, but I wasn't going to believe that it was her. Blonde hair, icy eyes, and full lips. Though I didn't want to believe it was my mother, my attacker matched her appearance perfectly and not only that, but I hadn't seen her since last night.
"Damon?" Aurora's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "What did she look like?"
"Blonde hair, icy eyes, and full lips," I answered.
She gasped and her eyes widened in disbelief before saying, "That sounds like it could be Laura."
"I know."
"Do you think it was her?" she asked.
"I don't know. I haven't seen her since last night and no one else has seen her today," I answered walking over to the bed and sitting down on it.
"Well, what reason would she have to try and kill you with vervain?"
I shrugged and sighed heavily.
"Do vampires have doppelgangers?"
"Everyone has a doppelganger, Aurora," I began. "But doppelgangers appearing in the vampire world is impossible."
"Well, did your mother have a twin sister?"
I shook my head.
"Can Uriel take the form of someone else?"
"Well, I don't know then, Damon. I don't think your mother would to that though. She doesn't have a reason to."
I looked up as she walked up to me and smiled. I stared at her before letting my eyes trail up and down her curvy figure. It wasn't until golden rays danced across her skin that I realized the rain had stopped and the sun was peeking through the clouds.
"I thought it was supposed to rain all day," I heard Jessica say downstairs.
"So did I!" Tiffany exclaimed.
"That was unexpected," Aurora murmured turning her attention towards the sun as I stood up.
"A lot of things are unexpected these days," I said as she turned her attention back to me.
"Like what?" she asked.
"This," I answered before pressing my lips against hers.
Her lips were soft like rose petals as they moved against mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed herself closer to me as I tightened my grip on her. I felt my arm getting warm as the sun's rays engulfed us and in that moment, I realized that I loved her. I loved her and nothing else mattered.

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