-Chapter 2-

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"You threw it over seven hundred meters!" "Finally! He's showing us his true power!" "But his finger appears to be broken now. Just like in the exam. His quirk is very odd." "It wasn't a very pretty throw." Our classmates were buzzing, I looked over at bakugo and he seemed entirely surprised, but then his eyes filled with hatred as his hands were letting out small explosions you could barely see. "Hey!" Before I knew it he was dashing towards Deku, "DEKU YOU BASTARD! TELL ME HOW YOU DID THAT OR YOU'RE DEAD!" Bakugo was then caught by Aizawa's bandages, and was told to stand down. "You're wasting my time now, who ever's next can step up already." Aizawa said as he walked away. Deku hesitantly went past bakugo, as he placed himself next to me. "You ok?" His face screamed I almost died, "Sure, I'm fine!"

After that we proceeded to do sit-ups, seated toe-touch, and long distance run. I was walking by after the last test and saw Midoriya collapse on the floor. "Midoriya-Chan, want some help up?" "Sure" he huffed I'm raspy breath. He grabbed the hand I held, then we regrouped with the others.

"Alright time to give you your results. I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I'll just pull up the whole list, it's not worth giving each individual score." Aizawa then clicked the button, And it showed the ranking. I was number five from the top, and I looked for Midoriya's name, it was in the twenty-fourth place. He's a goner. The ranking disappeared, "I was lying. No one's going home." Everyone in the class just stared, while I just sweatdropped, and Deku looked like he WAS expelled. Aizawa smiled a creepy smile, "that was just a rational deception to make sure you give it your all in the tests." "WHAT?!" Yelled the entire class. "I'm surprised you guys didn't figure that out. Sorry, guess I probably shoulda said something." Replied a girl with black hair in a pony-tail. She looks familiar, oh yeah she's from the Yaoyorozu family. I've talked with her a couple of times. As Aizawa was leaving he gave midoriya a piece of paper and said to go see recovery girl.

School was over, as I headed out back home. I looked behind me and I saw a muttering midoriya. I stopped in my tracks, and he bumped right into me, "S-Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going!" I smiled, "Don't worry it's just me! Anyway, what's up with the name Deku? I thought your first name was Izuku?" He looked a little surprised at my question, "Oh, that's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me." I pouted, "That's stupid! Deku sounds like a good hero name! Catchy! And it's kinda friendly and cute don't you think?" He slightly blushed and smiled, "I guess I'll go by Deku than!" "Ok, Deku-Chan!" I saw Iida come up to us, as he asked us about Deku's finger. Than rosy cheeks came and joined us, her name was Occhaco Uraraka. We all walked together to the station, as I smiled to myself. This won't last very long though.

It was the second day of class, in the afternoon we were finally able to do some hero course training! "I AM HERE!" All might then popped through the door with his iconic costume. Oo's and awe's went around the room. "Welcome to the most important class at U.A high! Think of it as heroing 101! Here you will learn the basics of being a pro! And what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it! Today's lesson is to learn to pull your punches! But one of the keys to being a hero is.... LOOKING GOOD!" Boxes came out from the side of the wall, "These costumes were designed for you based on your quirk registration forms and the request you sent before school started!" Everyone was buzzing with joy, including me! "Get yourselves suited, and meet me at battleground beta!" "YES SIR!"

We all walked through the tunnel into the battleground, "You are all now heroes in training!" I was pretty pleased with my costume, I mostly let the design team do what they want. My costume was a tightly hugging crop top that ended in the middle of my torso, the sleeves were nonexistent as the sleeves were more inward than outward. My shorts were only halfway down to my thigh, but the boots I had went all the way up to my knee. The boots had hooks so it would be easier for me to stay on ceilings and walls. On my waist was a holster, were Kunai and other small weapons were place, but there was a small thin iron pipe I intend to use for a new weapon I've been wanting to make. I had googles resting on my chest for the time being, but they were to make sure no dirt and stuff got in my eyes. I didn't intend for the costume to be skin tight, nor did I expect the design team would leave my stomach exposed. I'm very self conscious, due to the giant scar I have on my stomach, and it's visible in my back as well. I could see some people starting already, as if they didn't already look at the scar on my eye. I felt very uncomfortable, until Deku came out in his costume. It's a cute costume, but it compliments his surprisingly buff build. Uraraka went over to talk to him, so I just waiting for all might to talk. He looked at me, with a sad look. It wasn't your fault All might, it was mine.

"Now that you're ready, it's time for combat training!" "Sir, this is the area where we had our entrance exam. Are we conducting urban battles again?" Asked Iida under the suit of armor. "Not quite! I'm going to move you two steps ahead! Most of the villain fights you see on the news take place outside. However, statistically speaking, run-ins with the most dastdly evil-doers take place indoors! Think about it! Back-room deals, home invasions, secret underground lairs, truly intelligent criminals stay hidden in the shadows. For this training exercise you'll be split into teams of good guys and bad guys, and fight two on two indoor battles!" "Isn't this a little advanced?" Asked the frog girl. "But this training is what you get on the battlefield! But remember, you can't just punch a robot this time! You're dealing with actual people now." Questions just kept popping up among the other students.

"Listen up! The situation is that the villains have hidden a weapon in their hide-out! The good guys have to either take out the villains or get a hold of the weapon! The villains succeed if they catch the heroes or if they protect the weapon in time. We'll choose teams by drawing lots!"

Team A-Izuku midoriya and occhaco uraraka
Team B-Shoto Todoroki and shoji (dont know the rest of him name by heart T^T)
Team C-Minoru Mineta and Momo Yaoyorozu
Team D-Y/N Tanaka and Kou Fujimoko
Team E-Katsuki Bakugo, and Tenya Iida
Team F-Mina Ashido and Yuta Aoyama
Team G-Sato and Toshi
Team H-Kaminari and EARPHONES
Team I-Tsuyu Asui and fumikage tokoyami
Team J-Toru hagakure and TAILS
Team K-Eijiro Kirishima and Sero
Team L-Haru Hideka and Aoi Kobayashi

I saw Deku freaking out around uraraka, and i smiled. I look over to my partner, a boy who I sit next to in class. His hair is black and messy, and his eyes are green like a cat. For some reason, he reminds me of a Black cat. His quirk was animate, where he could turn into any animal he wanted. He just had a white shirt and long pants. All might called out the first teams and they were Team A vs E. "Everyone else can head to the monitory room!" As I passed by deku I gave him a pat on the shoulder, but didn't say anything because I knew he understood anyway.

I sat down in the monitory room as I sat in the opposite end of the room as Todoroki, i just couldn't bring myself to even look at him. But now that I think about it, he's not a cute little kid anymore, he's a matured guy. The fight between Team A and team D began. Please be ok, deku!

Shouto x OC x Reader x Bakugo x Midoriya- My heroWhere stories live. Discover now