Bucky Barnes | I'll stay here with you ♀️

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(because PTSD bucky makes my heart ache)

It was late at night, and the storm outside was howling, rain beating at the windows in Y/n's apartment. It hadn't stormed like this in a long time.. she almost forgot how much she hated them. It was keeping her more than awake.

She had always hated storms. Always. Ever since she was a little girl. They made shivers roll through her, set her on edge. Every single one of her nerves was firing in overdrive, and there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing had ever happened to her to make her hate them, she just... did. The roaring thunder, the dangerous crack of lightning, the torrential rain pounding on the roof. It was awful. Which was why she also couldn't sleep.

She had tried to sleep for hours beforehand, hoping maybe she could ignore it. Maybe it would stop, and all would be well. Back to normal. It was almost 3 in the morning now, and it was raining hard as ever. Hooray.

She sat on the couch, staring mindlessly out the windows, watching the rain. She had nothing better to do... the power was out. And on a night like this, it made her even more on edge than before.

She cradles a hot mug of her favorite tea to possibly help calm her down. She had even lit some of her favorite candles. Normally during things like this she had someone with her... but it wasn't like that this time. She was completely and utterly alone. She didn't like thinking about it.

Sometimes she wondered if her neighbors had problems like this, sitting awake at night during storms. Probably not. It wasn't exactly a rational fear that she had. She takes a long sip of her tea, relishing in the way it feels as it coats her throat. It was the type of soothing she could use right now. She could also use a hug, but she didn't have anyone for that just yet.

She had been alone in this apartment forever, bringing people home but never quite finding someone she wanted to stay with for more than a night. That was until Bucky Barnes waltzed right into her life and turned her world on its axis.

He was so much more to her than she thought he would be at first. He was quiet when they first met, at a café with Natasha in the fall. He was one of her friends she had told Y/n "needed to get out more." Y/n had assumed she said the same about her to Bucky too.

He had been very polite but not much of a talker. And even then, Y/n had been captivated by him. She wasn't quite sure if it was the dark hair or the piercing blue eyes or that gorgeous metal arm... but she always assumed it was a combination of all three.

The three of them had talked for what seemed like hours, mostly Y/n and Nat though. He would chime in sometimes, his voice both rough and smooth at the same time. He would even smile sometimes... god what a smile. She liked it way more than she liked to admit. And he was funny... and oh so charming. She sometimes likes to imagine just how charming he was back in the 40's like Nat had said he used to be.

They'd talked some since then, but only at mutual functions with friends and such. She hadn't really seen him since Tony's new years party a few weeks ago, which disappointed her just a little. She found herself really enjoying when he was around. So she was more than thrilled when he moved into the apartment across the hall.

No doubt Nat had showed him the listing when it came up, Y/n knew she liked to play matchmaker for her. This was surely the farthest she'd gone with it though. He moved in quietly during the day, and when Y/n came home from work that day she had nearly dropped her keys. They'd been talking since then occasionally in the hall, friendly smiles and short but nice conversations. She enjoyed it a lot. She enjoyed him a lot.

A quiet knocking on her apartment door brings her out of her thoughts. It was in the earliest hours of the morning... who in the hell could that be? She stands slowly and puts her cup of tea down, tugging on a sweater and walking to the door. When she opens it, she finds the object of her thoughts himself.

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