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----------Betty's POV-----------

Right after mine and Jughead's bicker, I went to bed. I couldn't deal with him right now. I got under the duvet with my head under the pillow blocking out the world. What seemed like hours later, Jughead came in and I heard him getting ready for bed and a few minutes later, it became cold as he lifted his half of the duvet and got under. 

"Betty are you awake" He whispered. 

I decided not to reply and pretend I was asleep. He sighed and I expected him to wrap his arms securely around my waist. But he never did. 

It made me suddenly scared, what if he didn't love me anymore? He didn't love me, I thought. I began to feel really sick about that thought and over think about it. What if he's cheating on me. He wouldn't do that. He loves me. 

"Do you love me?" I blurted out 

My sudden out burst scared him "Holy shit Betty" 

"Sorry" I whispered. 

"And of course I still love you" he quickly said. 

I couldn't see much through the dark but I could see the features of his face. The features I fell in love with. 

"I'm sorry I just though because you-" I paused at how stupid I sounded

"You thought-" he urged me to continue 

"I though because you didn't hold me in your arms that you didn't love me" I said truthfully. 

"Betty" he sighed "I love you" 

"i love you too" I whispered 

I closed my eyes to try to go back to sleep. But truth is, I couldn't, being in his arms had grown a common thing and it felt weird him being there but not. I just brushed it off and quickly got comfortable before trying to sleep. Suddenly I felt him gently touch my back as he wrapped his arms around me. I smiled as he held me tightly against his bare chest. He gently kissed the back of my neck "Better?" 

"Better" I agreed "You always know how to make me smile" 

"Well that's my job ain't it" He whispered against my neck

It sent a shiver down my spine " I'm cold now" I huffed

"Well that means I can hug you tighter" he said and shuffled in his position onto his back "Come here" 

He lifted up his arm and I shuffled under resting my head on his shoulder. I wrapped one arm over his chest and the other gently touched his arm next to my head and he wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulder "Better?"

I nodded and he kissed my head "Goodnight" 

"Night" I grinned. 

No matter what, he always showed me exactly how much he loved me. I fell into a deep dream. 

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