Chasing Pavements

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Pretend the part with Jake and Mr.Shue isn't there.

Marley: I've made up my mind,don't need to think I'm wrong I am right, don't need to look no further, this ain't lust, I know, this is love,

Everyone just sits there smiling except for Jake

Marley:But, if I tell the world, I 'll never say enough cuz it was not said to you, and that's exactly what I need to do, if I end up with you

Blaine pulls Marley out and the glee club joins in
Marley and the glee club: Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere, or would it be a waste even if I knew my place, should I leave it there, should I give up or  should I just keep chasing pavements

Marley: Even if it leads nowhere, yeah should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements even if it leads nowhere

Mon-el just had a look on his face after seeing Kara look at Jake like that "Hopefully no one noticed" Mon-el said in his head, Alex noticed she had a very smug look on her face.

Marley: Oh would it be a waste, even if i knew my place
Should I leave it there (Glee Club: Should I leave it there)

(Rachel and Kurt's scene)

"Rachel that sounds horrible" said Tina
"It was, I felt so depressed but Kurt coming to New York helped a lot. Thanks for that Kurt." said Rachel
"My pleasure Rach" replied Kurt
"You guys look so cute," said Felicity
Everyone turned to her
"What, you do"

Marley and the Glee Club: Marley:Should I just on (Glee Club: Chasing)
Marley: Chasing(Glee Club: Pavements) Marley: Pavements, Oh oh oh oh oh ho

"Oh my god them vocals Kara, damn girl" said Cisco
"Watch it Ramon," said Alex "She's already taken"
"Alex shut up, thanks Cisco" said Kara
Everyone else just sits there chuckling at them

Marley and the Glee Club:Pavements even if it leads nowwhere would it be a waist if I knew my place
Marley:Even if it leads now where (Glee Club:Oh)

"That was amazing" said Clark 
"Thanks cus" said Kara

"Well that was Kara's first song with the glee club" said Coren

"Oh my god that was beautiful" said Barry wiping fake tear off his face
"You guys kill me" said Sara
"Oh honey so sad so sad😪😏" said Ava

"Alright on to the next one" said Coren............

Alright guys that is Chapter 3
I hope you are enjoying it so far sorry if this chapter seems short I am currently working on the next two as we speak.

Ta-Ta SuperMelWood💖

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