The entire ship was tossing and turning, the atmosphere affecting the landing an overwhelming amount as the three boys who unstrapped themselves flew against the wall. Sparks were flying everywhere and the mission seemed like a failure, it seemed like they were all going to die. Jean clenched her eyes shut, the only thing she could think about was the pressuring possibility of death. There was too much noise for Jean to comprehend, that she just tried to tune it all out; people saying goodbye to the people they are sitting with, others voicing their regrets in their lives, things they wished they had done differently, all overwhelming noise until it all just stopped.

Through the silence of the ship, Monty spoke up, "Listen. No machine hum."

Everyone listened for a moment before Jasper muttered, "Woah, that's a first." while everyone decided to unbuckle and get out of the dropship, eager to see what Earth was like after 97 years, even if they could die.

Jean unbuckled herself slowly and avoided the rush of teenagers eager to get off the claustrophobic ship, but before she went to the lower level where the door was, she walked over to Finn, who was on the ground, petrified at the two boys on the ground, who decided to take their seatbelts off, and seemed to not be breathing. She helped him up, ushering him to where the ladder was so they could join the group. She decided not to talk to him until he was out of the shocked state he was in.

As Jean neared the bottom of the ladder, she noticed everyone was clumped together at the door, Octavia was being held back by her brother, Bellamy, who was clad in a guard's uniform and had his dark hair slicked back. Jean was only able to catch the end of their exchange.

"...Being the first person on the ground in a hundred years," Bellamy calmly said, glancing between the crowd and his sister, who was overtly irritated at the moment. He pulled the lever next to the large metal door they were all crowded around, the door opening as everyone looked in awe at the livable Earth lying in front of them, Octavia ran out on the ramp, breathing in fresh air for the first time.

"We're back, bitches!" She yelled before she ran out into the open area they landed in, the rest of the delinquents following her after the shock had passed through them.

The teenagers celebrated their survival, Jean stalking out of the ship last, as she was in the back of the crowd. She glanced around, the planet was so much more than what was described in the books she read. It was just so alive.

She noticed the excitement dying down as the teens began to catch up with each other, being in prison limited the time they could spend with each other, but now they were going to spend every day together, no worries of dying when they turned eighteen, which just lightened the mood even more. Jean was caught off guard when a pair of arms encircled her waist, a hug thrown upon her as she turned around to hug Octavia back, a girl who she missed very much after she went away to prison.

Octavia was a young girl with long, straight hair that laid nicely over her shoulders, complimented by a green vest over a blue long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans to match.

"Hey Tavia, how you doin'?" Jean asked her, a joyful tone present in her voice as she talked to the younger Blake.

"I'm so happy you're here! I don't know why or how you got here, but now I get to see you everyday!" Jean chuckled, she loved the girl in front of her with her whole heart, which was apparent to her considering how many hours she spent with the girl before she had gotten arrested. Jean spent a large amount of time stealing extra rations for the younger girl and just spending time with her, enjoying each others company as one of Octavia's only friends. Octavia especially relished the time she had gotten with Jean, considering that she had to be kept a secret and hide under the floor most of the time, she loved it when the older girl would visit her and spend quality time with her, even though it was a big risk for both of them.

"It's great to see you too, Tav. We can chat in a minute, I just need to talk to a few people real quick," Jean said as she departed from the ecstatic girl, looking for two idiotic boys who liked to brew up trouble. She glanced around the large crowd of teens before her eyes landed on a pair of goggles and a bowl hair cut, which was where her legs took her. She walked up behind them and put one hand in front of the boys' eyes, startling them as she whispered, "Guess who?"

Monty and Jasper both yelled "Jean!" As she moved her hand away from their faces, they jumped on her, both boys bringing her into a well prolonged hug, wide smiles covering their faces. Although the pair were confused as to why she was here, they enjoyed the fact that they were together once again, which hadn't happened since the two got arrested a few years ago for forgetting to replace the drugs they had stolen.

This was the first time Jean really looked at them in years, noticing how the boys developed more since the last time she had seen them. Monty was a young, Asian boy who had a black hair that formed the shape of a bowl cut. He was clad in a heavy maroon jacket and black pants, which fit with the whole apocalyptic vibe. Jasper was a lanky, tall boy with a wild head of brunette hair and a set of goggles adorned the top of his head like a crown, while sporting a dark grey jacket and black pants as well, both boys wearing graphic t-shirts underneath their jackets.

"Hey boys!" Jean laughed out, the joy of the situation finally hitting her as she held two of her closest friends tight to her chest, never wanting to let them go after losing them not too long ago. They released from the hug, basking in each others presence before Jean looked across the hill they were on to see a conflicted look on her mentor's daughter's face, and decided her time would be well spent helping Clarke Griffin in any way she could. "I missed you both so much, but there's another thing I must attend to, so if you'll excuse me," She said, seemingly distracted by something, but the boys just shrugged it off, knowing she was smart and could handle herself perfectly well.

Jean walked directly towards Clarke and Wells, the former of the two not noticing her until she was pulled into a hug by a short, strong body. Surprise was evident on both 'privileged' faces as the shorter girl released Clarke from the hug and wrapped her arms around Wells' torso, joy radiating off of her as she did so.

"I'm so happy to see you both, this trip would have been hell without someone to maintain order around here," the shorter girl said, eliciting a laugh from both the darker skinned boy and the blonde beauty in front of her. She then moved on to more urgent matters, "So, what's the problem? I could see the conflict on your face from a mile away."

A smile crept onto Clarke's face before it went serious again, "They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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